In our webinar next week titled “The Good, the Bad, and The Delayed: Navigating ESG Data Quality”, Edward Kamonjoh as the Executive Director of Impact Management and Hellen Mbugua as the Executive Director of Research will speak at our panel discussion.

Edward is responsible for leading the efforts to push companies to prove the impact their environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices achieve.

Hellen leads a diverse research team renowned for conducting deep, proprietary research on material ESG issues for every global security eligible for inclusion in Calvert's investment funds.

Join our webinar for a lively discussion around ESG Data Quality. We will discuss the key challenges and obstacles to understanding ESG Data Quality, as highlighted by our recent report “Navigating ESG Data Quality: Distinguishing Error from Variation in Investment Management”.

Save your seat by registering here:

#esgdata #qualitycheck #esgreporting
In our webinar next week titled “The Good, the Bad, and The Delayed: Navigating ESG Data Quality”, we are delighted to announce the speakers who will speak at our panel discussion: Edward Kamonjoh as the Executive Director of Impact Management and Hellen Mbugua
Executive Director of Research.

Edward is responsible for leading the efforts to push companies to prove the impact their environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices achieve.

Hellen leads a diverse research team renowned for conducting deep, proprietary research on material ESG issues for every global security eligible for inclusion in Calvert's investment funds.

The webinar will be moderated by Maria Tibisay Salerno.
María is the Director of the Calvert Center for Responsible Investing whose mission it is to promote innovation in the field of responsible investing. She is also a corporate engagement strategist, responsible for executing the firm’s engagement strategy, which seeks to improve corporate environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance through direct dialogue, standard-setting exercises and partnerships. She joined Calvert in 2022.

And a presentation session by Andreas Hoepner as the Scientific Board Member of He is a Full Professor of Operational Risk, Banking & Finance at University College Dublin and is serving as an Independent Member (in personal capacity) of the EU Platform on Sustainable Finance (2020-2022), where he is heading the data subgroup. Previously, he served on the Technical Expert Group on Sustainable Finance (2018-2020), where he was the scientific lead for benchmarks. In this role, he co-Invented EU Paris-Aligned Benchmark & EU Climate Transition Benchmark.

Further descriptions of each of our speakers' biography will be posted separately soon!

Save your seat to join our webinar by registering here:

#dataquality #responsibleinvesting #esgdata #esg
Hey everyone, thank you for taking our quiz last week about Beijing Olympics Winter 2022. Now, we are thrilled to announce the winners of our quiz 🏆

According to the Beijing 2022 Pre-Games Sustainability Report released in January 2022, the 2021 baseline of greenhouse gas emissions in venue construction and renovations would be 395,000 tCO2e. Meanwhile, the baseline for transport infrastructure (energy, use of materials, and logistics of warehousing and transport) would be 258,000 tCO2e. For venue operations, which includes the energy consumption of the venues and supporting facilities, the baseline would be 73000 tCO2e whereas the whole preparations and operations in total emitted 353,000 tCO2e. Finally, the baseline for spectators, including transport, accommodation, and food & beverages, would be 300000 tCO2e.

Congratulations to...
Ebuka Emebinah, CFA Dr. Bernd Spendig

Please follow our page to learn more about small and even big SDG initiatives! 🙌🙌
Today we are celebrating World Animal Day which aims to raise awareness about the abuse and illegal killing of animals around the world 🦁🐯🐼🐳

For the quiz of this week, according to WWF, can you guess which one of the following species with the highest probability to extinct?

#sdg15 #worldanimalday #sdg14 #sdgs2030
We are delighted to announce that The Asset Owners (AO) Awards are back this year after they paused during pandemic! This year, the award is planned for Monday, October 24th 2022 at London Stock Exchange

SFDR for Asset Owners (SFDR4AO) aims to bring together academics, senior investment specialists, and asset owners to enkindle and drive in-depth discussions surrounding Sustainability Related Financial Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) reporting and disclosures. In addition to panel discussions including speakers from AP2, BPP, LGPS Central, London LGPS, or NEST and a keynote speech on SFDR, the conference will also encompass an award ceremony for top-performing asset owners. Previous award winners include Swedfund (Sweden), APG and PGGM (Netherlands), and CDC (France).

The methodology underlying the SFDRAO Awards is based on the previous Responsibility Investing (RI) awards methodology and similarly involves two steps. The steps are: (i) using Continuous Accountability Monitoring to review the corporate domain of all relevant asset owners as to the quantitative KPIs they report with respect to the SFDR related themes, (ii) a group of independent judges consisting of academics, professional experts and former executives of asset owners will review the reports and deliberates if qualitative adjustments to the quantitative KPISs are needed.

To become a delegate (free of charge), please pre-register here (please note that filling the pre-registration does not guarantee acceptance for the event due to space restrictions):

The event is completely FREE.
Beijing, China is hosting the Olympic Winter Games 2022 from February 4th to February 20th. Beijing became the first city in the world to have hosted both the summer and winter editions of the Olympic Games. With a vision of “Joyful Rendezvous upon Pure Ice and Snow,”

Beijing 2022 was built on the legacies of the landmark Beijing 2008 Olympic Games and encouraged 300 million people across China to embrace winter sports. The 109 events in seven Olympic winter sports were held in the three competition zones of central Beijing, Yanqing, and Zhangjiakou.

Looking from the sustainability perspective, the good news is China has predicted the number of emissions emitted during the competition. Could you guess which one of the activities below emits the highest carbon emissions according to China's calculation? 🤔
Hey everyone, thank you for taking our quiz last week about Car Free Day. Now, we are thrilled to announce the quiz winners

The United Kingdom became the first nation worldwide to create Car Free Day as a nationwide campaign. It happened on June, 17th 1997 in Weybridge and was inaugurated by the Environmental Transport Association in Britain. A year later, France followed suit in 1998 as 'In town, without my car!' and was established as a Europe-wide initiative by the European Commission in 2000. Then in the same year, the European Commission enlarged the program to a full European Mobility Week which now is the major focus of the Commission, with the Car-Free Day part of a greater new mobility whole.

Congratulations to...
Slindokuhle Ngwane Evelyn Winny Thody Fernando Yunior Ebuka Emebinah, CFA

Please follow our page to learn more all about small and even big SDG initiatives! 🙌🙌
Fantastic Wednesday everyone!
it's time to announce #SDGHeroes of the week!

To accelerate the UN Sustainable Development Goals, Climate Fund Managers B.V. uses blended finance structuring to attract public and private capital to invest in high-impact sectors in emerging economies. CFM supports various climate-related projects, including #energy, #water/ #oceans, #hydrogen, and green #cities. CFM is a Dutch investment manager operating in emerging markets across #Africa, #Asia, and #LatinAmerica.

By 2022, CFM has produced 718,000 MWh/year of electricity, 812,800 tCO2eq/year carbon removal, and impacted 1,809,500 people across the operating area.

Appreciation to the SDG Heroes of the week for making a huge leap in sustainability!
1. Andrew Johnstone - Director and CEO
2. Lindsey Ord - Director -CFO
3. Claire Cummins - Head of ESG

#unsdgs #sustainability #greeninvesting #emergingmarkets
World Rhino Day is celebrated on September 22 every year to raise awareness about the five rhino species - the greater one-horned rhino, Sumatran rhino, Javan rhino, black rhino, and white rhino. We are pleased to celebrate this special occasion by announcing this week's #SDGHeroes to the organization and the people who spend their valuable time protecting the endangered rhino.

Special appreciation to:
Cathy dean - Chief Executive
Jimmy Rutherford - Programmes Officer
Jon Taylor- Managing Director
Emma-Jo Pereira - Communication Manager

#rheno #worldrhinoday #SDG15
Hello everyone 👋 It's time for us to announce the winners of last week's SDG quiz 🏆🎉

According to ExecuShe, of the top 5 companies in the S&P 500 index (sorted by market cap), only 1 outperforms the average female gender share of all S&P 500 companies. At present, Microsoft is the company with a gender share of 22%, compared to the total S&P 500 average, which has a gender share of 12.17%.

Big appreciation to Microsoft 🎉👏
Microsoft has done many initiatives to establish better gender equality at the workplace. In June 2020, Microsoft outlined a series of commitments designed to address the racial injustice and inequity experienced by members of the Black and African American community and the Hispanic and Latinx community, measured their inclusion index, a measure of employee sentiment on topics of transparency, belonging, authenticity, team culture, and a belief in Microsoft's commitment to diversity, increasing trend of women headcount at various roles, including technical roles, individual contributor, manager, director, partner+executive and executive at Microsoft.

Congratulations to our quiz winners 🏅
abdiladif mohamed Amber Sellens Danijela Nebenfuehr (She/Her) Rachel Valentine Maurizio Legnani Helen Bradley

An honorable mention to Microsoft's diversity and inclusion team for their great initiatives, which have brought forth an amazing gender equality result.
As represented by:
Lindsay-Rae McIntyre - Chief Diversity Officer, Tiffany Allen - Global Diversity & Inclusion Program Manager, Jocelyn O. Moore, MBA - General Manager, Global Diversity & Inclusion, Marquis W. - Global Head of People Sustainability & Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer and Sarah Bender - ERG & Community Experience Team Lead, Global Diversity & Inclusion

Please follow our page to learn more about all things related to the SDGs ♀️♂️

#sdg5 #womenleadership #genderpowergap #femaleleadership #genderequality
Although the Covid-19 situation is better than in the past two years and schools are conducted normally, we should not forget and appreciate the initiative of Project Child Indonesia in response to lockdowns during the pandemic to keep education accessible for all.

Project Child, co-founded by Surayah Ryha with her team M. Abie Zaidannas Suhud Cahayu Agda Benna Salsabila Yori Fiandika Gustama and Reytasari Azura Putri responded quickly by initiating the Online Learning Assistance (OLA) program in March 2020. OLA is an answer to the parents’ struggle to provide internet access and data packages to their children so they can participate in online classes from home. On the other hand, teachers also had problems adapting their teaching strategies from on-site to online. Online Learning Assistance provides internet data aid in collaboration with PT. XL Axiata Tbk, a local cellular data provider, and crowdfunding initiatives of and Kitabisa. Project Child also provide online and offline tutor sessions where a number of volunteers help the teacher to give lessons to their students through home visits and online tutorials.

in this post-pandemic time, Project Child continuously conducts some interesting programs such as Sekolah Pantai (Beach School), Sekolah Sungai (River School), Mindfulness program, Drinking water program, and internet literacy program as part of their mission to provide accessible education alongside the volunteers.

We are proud to announce the team of Project Child Indonesia as the SDG Heroes of the week.
Visit to support their education initiatives

#sdgs #sdgheroes #sdg4 #education #sdg2030 #online
#Pakistan has been hit by intensified rainfall and flooding as an impact of the 2022 monsoon. Nationwide, 80 districts have been officially notified as 'calamity hit' - 31 in Balochistan, 23 in Sindh, 17 in KP. six in GB and three in Punjab. Around 33 million people have been affected by heavy rains and flooding, according to the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA). 637,000 people are living in relief camps, while many more are displaced and being hosted by other households. The deadly flood injured 12,700 people and killed 1,300 people.

The Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD) indicates that high flood risks remain downstream of Kotri in Sindh. In contrast, satellite-detected water extents mapped by the UNOSAT indicate preliminarily that of 793,000 km2 of land in Pakistan analyzed between 1 and 29 August, around 75,000 km2 appear to be affected by floodwaters, including some 48,530 km² that appear to be croplands.

In response to the devastating floods, PepsiCo Pakistan and its employees and the PepsiCo Foundation are starting 5 million meals for communities impacted by severe flooding with the #MillionsofMeals program. The program is funded by the company's philanthropic arm, the PepsiCo Foundation, and is part of their global security platform #FoodforGood to make meals more accessible to communities. The program is an integral part of supporting and safeguarding communities from #hunger and #malnutrition, especially during #crises and #disasters relevant to the #UN #SDG2.

We would like to appreciate the CEO of PepsiCo Foundation, Furqan Syed, and the support of Roberto Azevêdo & Jim Andrew for the quick response to the Pakistan flood as #SDGheroes of the week.
"A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself" Joseph Campbell

During this World Alzheimer's Month, we are honored to celebrate the organization and the people who put their time and energy into helping people with #Alzheimer's. The Alzheimer's Association® is a leading organization to end Alzheimer's and all other dementia by generating #research, driving #risk reduction and early #detection, and maximizing quality #care and #support.

The organization provides care and support for those affected by giving a 24/7 helpline and nearby local chapters across the US. They educate people and raise awareness about Alzheimer's both online and in person featuring information on topics such as diagnosis, warning signs, communication, living with Alzheimer's disease, and caregiving. The Alzheimer's Association also accelerates global research by investing more than $310 million in over 950 active projects in 45 countries.

Alzheimer's Association is aware of #diversity, #equity, and #inclusion by giving fair dan just opportunities for early diagnosis and access to risk reduction and quality care to the underrepresented and underserved communities. More importantly, the association is working closely with the government to ensure that the need for Alzheimer's care, education, and research is heard.

Appreciation to the #SDGHeroes of the week:
Harry Johns - Chief Executive Officer
Joanne Pike, DrPH - President
Richard Hovland - Chief Operating Officer and Chief Finance Officer
Donna McCullough - Chief Mission and Field Operations Officer
Liz Adams Officer
Maria Carrillo - Chief Science Officer
Kristen C. - Chief Program Officer
Also mentioned here are the SDGHeroes fellows:
Kenann Cassidy, CFRE- Area Leader, East
Robert Egge - Public Policy Officer
Carl V. Hill - MPH Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer
Michael Reich - Chief Marketing Officer
Eric VanVlymen - Area Leader, West

Your work in #SDG3 has changed the lives of so many people in the world 🌍
SDGlabs Quiz of the Week is NOW back!

This week, we will challenge you with a question related to top energy companies' net zero emissions commitment. This quiz is our collaboration quiz with Net Zero Zeal.

Can you guess out of these 4 top energy companies, which one set the highest percentage of greenhouse gas emissions reduction in their operational emissions intensity?
For all of those gender lens investing and gender equality at workplace fighters out there, save your seat for ExecuShe's joint event together with Women in Leadership Foundation on Sep 20th! 🙌🏻
Hello everyone 👋🏻 It's the time to announce our weekly quiz winners

According to Net Zero Zeal, Shell set a target to reduce absolute emissions by 50% by 2030, compared to 2016 levels. This is even larger than ConocoPhillips, which set a 35–45% reduction target for operational emissions intensity by 2030 and Exxon Mobil targetted for 20-30% reduction in corporate-wide greenhouse gas intensity and an absolute reduction of approximately 20%. Meanwhile, Chevron target >5% reduction target of their Scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG compared to the 2016 baseline.

Congratulations to... 🏆
Ellinor Häggebrink Thao Nguyen Ngoc Linh Ebuka Emebinah, CFA Dr. Bernd Spendig Nicolò Mastronardi Temitope Ayorinde

We presented this post as our expression of appreciation to the sustainability team of Shell, represented by:
Ed Daniels - Director Strategy, Sustainability and Corporate Relations, David Hone - Chief Climate Change Adviser and Peter Wood - Chief Energy Adviser

We wish the best of luck to Shell in achieving its high percentage of reduction target!
Hi everyone 👋 How was your weekend? Let's get yourself to learn new things about SDGs by taking our quiz 🧠

In two days, we will celebrate the international car-free day. According to The Washington Post, the event will promote the improvements of mass transit, cycling, walking, and the development of communities where jobs are closer to home and where shopping can be done within walking distance.

In addition, the benefits of car-free days in the long term will restrict car movements in several areas of the city center, with the main goal of making local neighborhoods more accessible, pleasant, and safer for all modes of transportation, including cycling. This circulation plan, along with the increased investment in cycling infrastructure, has already begun to pay dividends in terms of promoting active mobility in the city, with more people cycling.

Can you guess which country started this remarkable history by celebrating the first car-free day as a nationwide campaign in the world? (Clue: the campaign was in 1997)

#carfreeday #sdg11 #sustainabletransport #sustainabletransportation #urbanplanning
Hello SDG fellows,

Covid-19 is still happening today, but recently the Chief of the World Health Organization stated his optimism to end the pandemic, "We are not there yet. But the end is in sight,".
The virus, which emerged in China in late 2019 has killed 6.5 million people and affected 606 million people worldwide. More surprisingly, the pandemic has affected an acceleration of other diseases such as Tuberculosis which killed 1.3 million people in 2020.

Watch the video and see the full report!


#sdg3 #pandemic #covid19 #tuberculosis #hiv #health #healthcare #mentalhealth
Last week, we launched a poll about the most important initiative to support LGBTQ+ inclusion in the workplace.
The poll was voted by 20 people and impressively 40% voted for LGBTQ+ inclusion training.

Thank you very much for your valuable time to vote 🙌

While there is no right or wrong in the result of the poll, LGBTQ+ inclusion training is an important aspect a company should do to support LGBTQ+ inclusion in the workplace. The training should follow the United Nations LGBTI Standard of Conduct for Business by Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights which includes five (5) pillars of recommendations, namely:
1. Respect Human Rights of LGBTI workers, customers, and community members
2. Eliminate Discrimination against LGBTI employees in the workplace
3. Support LGBTI Staff at work
4. Not Discriminate against LGBTI customers, suppliers, and distributors - and insist that business partners do the same
5. Stand Up For Human Rights of LGBTI people in the communities where they do business.

ExecuPride provides us with the statistic of the number of companies indexed S&P500 to adopt the UN LGBTI Standard of Conduct for Business. Out of the 500 companies, only 21.1% adopting the UN LGBTI standard of conduct for business ⚠️

What is your prediction for this percentage in 2050?

Special shoutout to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights experts:

🌟Catherine de Preux De Baets, Cristhian Molina Delgado, Daniela Chávez Mendoza and Sicelo Shange 🌟

#sdg10 #reduceinequality
"I have no more worries, no more stress, and no more fear. Here, I am a very happy person. Here, there is no threat against my life, and I am looking forward to starting my Ph.D. very soon". YADASA, a former #refugee from the Ethiopian Oromo community who was resettled to Australia.

Unlike other organizations which focus on non-displaced populations by helping the nationals of a country with education, health, and poverty reduction, Refugepoint focuses on finding lasting solutions for refugees. They believe that it is beneficial for everyone that refugees to be given a #chance to use their #talents and #skills to contribute to their house countries and to the global economy 🌍🏫

Refugepoint has helped 104,767 refugees access #resetlement and other pathways to safety for the past 17 years of operations. 10.000 refugees are served annually by the urban Refugee Protection Program in #Kenya, and 3,839 refugee clients have graduated from RefugePoint assistance distributed in 250 locations across 52 countries 📌

A round of applause to the SDG Heroes of the week, the leaders of RefugePoint
Sasha Chanoff - Chief Operating Officer and Founder
Sarah Hidey, MBA - Chief Development Officer
Simar Singh - Chief Program Officer
Paul Karanja - Program Coordinator, Urban Refugee Protection

In this post, collaborates with ExecuNicity which analyses data science to track developments and provide insights on ethnic diversity and inclusion across corporations.

#sdg10 #ethnicity #refugee #sdgheroes #aid #reduceinequalities
Santanu Mishra, Vikram Singh Verma, Seema Kumar, Aakanksha Dheeraj, and Gargi Kapoor through Smile Foundation have impacted thousands of children and families in #India to have access to education with their groundbreaking idea "Lifecycle of Education". Smile Foundation believes that #education is vital for better welfare as it is the most powerful catalyst for #social #transformation. However, education for children alone is not enough, they also need holistic support from their parents, teachers, and society. This is where the #lifecycle approach of Smile Foundation lies, to give access to education for #underprivileged children, #healthcare for families, #skills #training and #livelihood for #youth, and community engagement through #women empowerment. We are delighted to crown Santanu Mishra and the team of Smile Foundation as the #SDGHeroes of the week 👑😊

Smile Foundation is one of the renowned #NGOs in India and it has impacted individuals from 2,000 villages and slumps with 400+ projects reaching 25 states all around India. In its education mission alone, Smile Foundation has provided 49,246 poor children to get access to education with 53% of the total beneficiaries being girls. 100% of teachers received training to make an engaging classroom environment.

Smile Foundation also plays an active role in training youth in #English Proficiency, Basic #Computer Education, and #SoftSkills to ensure their prospects of #employment with Smile Twin E-Learning Programme (#STeP). This #online #learning platform has trained 47,000 youth with 65% of them getting better jobs in reputed brands. More interestingly, 61% of the total youth beneficiaries were girls 📖💼

Check out Smile Foundation and support their #SDG4 #BetterEducation initiatives to give bigger impacts on society.
Hello everyone 👋🏻 It's the time for us to announce our quiz winners 🏆

According to SDG Index 2021, Pakistan is the second country with the highest neither in employment, education nor training youth population (NEET) with 34.5% of their youth population. A study in 2010 by Ahmad & Azim might explain the high percentage of NEET population in Pakistan is caused by the employment opportunity gap between female and male youth, where female youth who are living in rural areas of Pakistan has the largest inactivity rate (not even participated in the labour market)

Or even if they are educated, youth living with educated parents are also facing higher probability of unemployment which is possibly caused by they are in search of better jobs and become more choosy and constitute a major part of frictional unemployment

It is necessary for policy makers in Pakistan to avoid considering youth in Pakistan as a homogenous group because they are facing a various types of labour market outcomes within and between different regions of Pakistan

Congratulations to our quiz winners... 🥳🎉
Ebuka Emebinah, CFA Maurizio Legnani Slindokuhle Ngwane Mishka D. Ellinor Häggebrink

Please follow our page to learn more insights about SDGs 🍃

#qualityeducation #sdg4 #sdg8 #decentwork #NEET #youthpopulation

AHMAD, R., & AZIM, P. (2010). YOUTH POPULATION AND THE LABOUR MARKET OF PAKISTAN: A MICRO LEVEL STUDY. Pakistan Economic and Social Review, 48(2), 183–208.
The fifth International Day of Remembrance and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism was commemorated yesterday. This year's theme is "Memories," which will tie us all together by a red thread to represent our shared humanity and support for those who have lost loved ones irreparably in the most terrible of situations.

Around 25 terrorist attacks occurred worldwide in 2022, resulting in roughly 1000 fatalities. This should serve as a reminder to us all that terrorist attacks still happen. The commemoration of and tribute to terrorist victims serves to remember and uphold the victims' dignity and emphasizes the significance of international unity in ensuring the victims are not forgotten.

#sdg16 #peaceandlove #peaceonearth #victimsrights
Dear youth population out there,

You are priceless and a treasure to every country; the value of your contribution cannot be overstated.
Let's celebrate today the International Youth Day!

Get your entire potential, talent, and true color of yourself into the good of society. This year's International Youth Day is under the theme of International Solidarity: Creating a World for All Ages" to amplify the message of the need for action among all generations to accomplish the SDGs and the importance of leaving no one behind.

The topic for this year also intends to increase awareness of several obstacles to intergenerational solidarity, including ageism, which negatively impacts both young and elderly people and society as a whole.

Let's learn from the intergenerational and make this world a better place to live together! 🙌

#youthpopulation #SDG4 #SDG8 #intergenerationalsolidarity
Dr. Charles Owubah, Eric Bebernitz, Mare Fort, and Oscar Cordon are at the forefront of decision-making when it comes to saving #humanity from hunger. Through Action Against Hunger | ACF-USA, they tackle not only humanitarian emergencies when a #crisis comes but also take decisive actions against the causes and effects of hunger. Therefore, we are proud to announce that Dr. Charles Owubah and his team are the #SDGHeroes of the week.

#Hunger and #undernutrition are often linked to extreme #poverty and lack of access to available, sufficient, nutritious food. Action Against Hunger fights for #SDG2 through innovative programs:
1. Nutrition and Health, an action to treat malnourished #children.
2. Food Security & Livelihoods, an action to train and build the capacity of the livelihood of #farmers.
3. Water Sanitation & Hygiene, an action to build infrastructure and systems to provide water, safe sanitation, and good hygiene.
4. Emergency Response, to provide humanitarian aid for populations affected by natural disasters or armed conflicts.
5. Research and Innovation, to improve the treatment of malnourished children and better anticipate hunger crises.

Action Against Hunger has been operating for 40+ years in 50+ countries with 8,000+ field staff assisting more than 26 million people. Support Action Against Hunger | ACF-USA and save humanity against hunger.

#SDG2 #sdg2030 #zerohunger #action #SDGHeroes #hunger #undernutritions
We have just reached 1,000 followers! 🎉🥳

Thank you to everyone for your support, this is an amazing time for us to build awareness and bring up various issues related to 17 goals, 169 targets, and 232 indicators of SDG 🌱🦒👨‍👩‍👧

We are also very open to your feedback on which particular issue we should bring up!

Together, we can achieve SDGs in 2030! 🙌🙌

#sustainabledevelopmentgoals #SDGs
#SDGHeroes of the week goes to the three impactful leaders at Direct Relief: Thomas Tighe, Dawn Long, and Jonathan Steiner. They have continued to lead the mission to improve the health and lives of people affected by poverty or emergencies - without regard to politics, religion, or the ability to pay. Direct Relief has served $1,219,818,167 in medical aid and 385,111,432 doses of medicine to people across 50 U.S. states and 80+ countries. 🚒💉💊

In the most recent war between #Ukraine and #Russia, Direct Relief has delivered 890 tons of medicine and medical supplies to help Ukraine's people since the war began six months ago. Direct Relief also sent health supplies to many kinds of disasters from California Wildfires, Earthquakes, Hurricanes, and Tornadoes, to the Covid-19 outbreak. 

Direct Relief raises awareness and brings solutions to the world's most alarming health issues such as the cold chain for temperature-sensitive medications, health equity, the opioid epidemic, reproductive health, and resilient power using alternative electricity resources to power up the medical equipment.

Direct Relief believes that sick people who don't receive care can't work, they get poor or stay poor, and people who are poor are at higher risk of getting sick. Breaking this vicious cycle is an enormously complex endeavor, which requires changes in many areas other than health services. But under any scenario, better access to health services is essential.

#health #SDG3 #accesstohealth #relief #disaster #ukraine
Hello everyone 👋 Time to announce our quiz winners 🏆

Have you ever wondered which country holds the highest percentage of children under 5 years ago who are diagnosed with stunting? Sad to say, it's Burundi. According to SDG Index in 2021, 54% of children under 5 years old in Burundi have stunting, followed by Eritrea (52.5%), Timor-Leste (51.7%), and Papua New Guinea (50%)

According to Global Citizen, stunting is very common in South Africa and some countries around the world largely because of systemic poverty and inequality. The poorest 20% of South Africa's population own only 5% of the total wealth, meanwhile 20% wealthiest own 60%!

To our quiz winners, kudos to you! 👏
Stephan Angela P. Scyon Quinny Ebuka Emebinah, CFA abdiladif mohamed Hendra Rusly Ellinor Häggebrink Emile Wirsiy Reuben Silungwe

Now, what we can do next to decrease the stunting prevalence in African countries and other countries?

Let's give support to these non-profit organizations that bring their mission to end stunting: Grow Great Campaign, 1000 Days Fund, Academy of Nutrition and DieteticsConcern WorldwideAction Against Hunger | ACF-USA, and all honorable organizations everywhere they are working 🙌🙌🏻🙌🏾🙌🏼

Besides stunting, check our infographic here to see the summary of how 193 countries committed to SDG 2 - Zero Hunger

Please follow our page to learn more all about SDGs just in one click 🤳

#sdg2 #zerohunger #nutritionalneeds #endstunting
Hello everyone 👋 It's SDG-quiz o'clock ⏰ Let's get yourself to learn more about SDGs. This week we create an SDG 5 (Gender Equality) Quiz ♀️♂️

A company might do pretty well in increasing women executives' headcount at their senior leadership table. However, when it comes to the amount of shareholding power they own, on average, there is a huge gap. According to ExecuShe, women own only about 1% of total shares at S&P 500 companies even though they account for nearly 25% of total top executives

Can you guess out of these top 4 (by market cap) S&P500 companies, which one outperforms the average of all S&P500 companies with 22% of women's gender share at their executive table (by June 2022)?
It's now SDG quiz-o'clock! Let's all learn more about SDGs 🙌🏻

This week we are celebrating International Youth Day with a theme of "International Solidarity: Creating a World for All Ages" to amplify the message of the need for action among all generations to accomplish the SDGs and the importance of leaving no one behind 🤝

SDGs itself discuss many goals, targets and indicators related to youth population, from SDG 4 - Quality Education, SDG 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth, and even in SDG 13 - Climate Action. One of the particular targets and indicators in SDG 8 also measures the proportion of youth (aged 15-24 years) who are not in education, employment or training (NEET).

#NEET issues have become very important in recent years as this indicator might form a way of grouping all vulnerable young people under a single label and one statistic. By looking thoroughly into NEET population in every country, governments can design various policy interventions according to the circumstances of their country to develop quality, effective, labour market-relevant and balanced #education and #training systems. 

Now for the quiz, can you guess which of these countries have the highest proportion of youth who are not in education, employment or training in 2021? (Clue: the country is the second highest among 63 countries who filed the report to World Bank in 2021)"
As we are now entering August, the first SDG quiz for this month will be related to SDG index 💡

SDG Index published the index calculation of each country's last year data based on 120 sub-topics covered in 17 SDGs. Stunting is a sub-topic of SDG 2 - Zero Hunger. Sad to say, the average prevalence of stunting in children under the age of five in 193 countries is around 16 percent, which means that 1-2 children out of every ten experience stunting. Stunting has a wide range of negative consequences for children, including poor cognition and educational performance, low adult wages, lost productivity, and, when combined with excessive weight gain later in childhood, an increased risk of nutrition-related chronic diseases in adulthood.

Can you guess which country holds the highest percentage of prevalence of stunting in children under 5 years of age? (clue: the percentage even exceeds 50%, which means 1 of 2 children has stunting in the country)

#sdg2 #zerohunger #nutritionsecurity #stunting
Hello folks 👋🏾 Time to announce our last week SDG Quiz

If you have seen our SDG monthly progress posted by yesterday, you can guess the answer correctly 🤓
South Sudan is the country with the highest proportion of population that living under the poverty threshold of $3.20/day, where the proportion is about 95.53%. For the poverty headcount ratio using $1.90/day as the benchmark, South Sudan is still the countr with the highest proportion of population with 84.53% population living under the poverty threshold of $1.90/day

Congratulations to... 🏆
Rosemary Irons Maurizio Legnani Adebusola Obasa Maria Lombardo Michael Layadi Ebuka Emebinah, CFA Ellinor Häggebrink Christian Dein DONALD GAITAN SEUPA (He/Him)

Please follow our page to learn more all about SDGs🌱

#sdg1 #nopoverty #povertyreduction #povertyalleviation
Last week, challenged you with one question which is related to one of the major pension fund in UK. Are you ready to know what the correct answer is? 🧠

Universities Superannuation Scheme (Ltd) (USS) is a proud signatory to the Montréal Pledge. As part of their commitment to the Pledge, they have calculated the carbon intensity of the USS public equity portfolio and compared it against the MSCI World Index. In addition to being able to estimate a total footprint for public equities against the benchmark, the footprint also enables them to identify and analyse the most carbon intensive companies in each equity portfolio, helping to inform their engagement and voting activity and allowing carbon risk to be integrated into their investment analysis.

USS reported their carbon intensity of public equities porfolios is 41% lower compared to MSCI World as of April 2018 🙌🏻!

Kudos to our quiz winners... 🏆
Fabian Muhammad Giffari Putra R. Christopher Larsson

In celebrating their performance, we truly appreciate the sustainability and ESG team of USS, represented by: David Russell - Head of Responsible Investment, Philipp Kloucek - Responsible Investment Analyst and K. Bruce Jackson - Responsible Investment Senior Analyst 👏🏻

Please follow our page, Fiduciaha - Risk TransPErency for Pensions and Ownaha - SDG your Pension to learn more all about asset owners' financial and ESG performance to their alignment to SDG goals 🌱

#assetowners #sustainabilityreport #esgreporting #carbonintensity
The awards ceremony, themed "Celebrating inspiring and outstanding anti-corruption Collective Action initiatives,' was held last week at the 4th International Conference Conference in Basel, Switzerland. The organizer was the Basel Institute on Governance, a non-profit organization based in Basel, Switzerland.

From the total of all 37 initiatives nominated for the awards, a Nigerian organization, Convention on Business Integrity (CBi) has emerged as co-winner of this prestigious international award in recognition of the impact of its anti-corruption initiative together with The Maritime Anti-Corruption Network in Nigeria (MACN)

According to the organisers, both of their initiatives have worked to keep seafarers calling at Nigerian ports safe from corruption. The system works as the they installed the world's first real-time incident reporting tool and connecting local HelpDesk which will reduce the corruption at the port significantly

Congratulations for the whole team of both NGOs in earning this prestigious award, represented by: 👏🏻👏🏻

Convention on Business IntegrityEmmanuel Bosah - Programme Director, Dami Williams - Associate Programme Officer, Soji Apampa - CEO

The Maritime Anti-Corruption Network in Nigeria (MACN): Cecilia Müller Torbrand - CEO, Martin Benderson - Associate Director, Collective Action & Partnership Development, Kevin Leach-Smith - Board of Directors Member

#sdg16 #corruptionprevention #anticorruption #transparencyinitiative #transparentinstitutions
ILGA World is a global voice of LGBTI networks, communities, and movements committed to shaping a world where everyone can live safely, equally, and free.

ILGA World advocates for the rights of people who experience discrimination because of their sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or other sex-related traits (SOGIESC).

1. Advocacy 😊
Through media and participation in international forums, including the United Nations, ILGA World works to increase public awareness of LGBTI human rights problems.

2. Empowerment 🔥
ILGA World supports the global network with capacity-building training and organizes world and regional conferences

3. Research 🔬
ILGA World collects reliable, evidence-based data on laws and attitudes towards communities, and produces guides that are crucial resources in the hands of human rights defenders.

To date, ILGA World has 1798 member organizations from 168 countries campaigning for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and intersex rights. Since 1978.

We appreciate ILGA World for fighting for the rights that many people and organizations deserve. Therefore, we would like to congratulate SDG Heroes of the week:
Julia Ehrt - Executive Director
Gurchaten Sandhu - Director of Programmes
Daniele Paletta - Communications Manager
Polyxeni Kallini - Senior Finance Officer, Grants, and Reporting works with ExecuPride to utilize the data science to track progress and deliver insights on LGBTQ+ inclusion across regions, industries, and assets.

#genderdiversity #genderequality #lgbtq #sdg5 #advocacy #SDG #heroes
It's Saturday again! We are delighted to announce last week's quiz winners 🏆

According to StewardchampS record, J.P. Morgan Asset Management focused on eight (8) out of seventeen (17) SDGs, namely:
SDG 2: Zero Hunger
SDG 3: Good Health and Well Being
SDG 5: Gender Equality
SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
SDG 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities
SDG 13: Climate Action

However, SDG 4, Quality Education is not mentioned in their area of focus of SDG in the 2021 Stewardship report.

A round of applause to J.P Morgan's team for covering the eight SDGs, Jennifer L.C. Wu Jessica Matthews Yo Takatsuki

Congratulations to our quiz winners Ellinor Häggebrink M. Erick Farabi Ebuka Emebinah, CFA

StewardchampS provides insightful data analytics regarding investor stewardship and engagement activities by both asset owners and asset managers. Stewardchamps analyses the ESG and Sustainability integration, stewardship, and engagement as key components of responsible investment. Follow StewardchampS for more info.

#sustainability #SDG #sdg4 #team #stewardship
On June 22, Catalyst 2030 announced the winners of the Awards for Systemic Change for organizations and founders around the world. Out of more than 200 nominations, sixty finalists were chosen, and the winners included numerous governmental agencies, businesses, and well-known foundations.

The winners in the Donors Award Category, celebrate individuals and organizations that have deployed capital to support projects or initiatives to achieve systems change. Azim Premji Foundation a non-profit organization that works in education won the Leader in Learning category.

Azim Premji Foundation set out to work in the field of elementary education in government schools across India in 2000. In close collaboration with the government, the Foundation planned to have a profound and institutional impact on India's educational quality.

A decade later. Azim Premji University was set up in response to the need for well-qualified professionals in the social sector. To date, the university has 13 degrees, 2300 alumni, 1000 short courses for working professionals, and 300 members. The university also has performed exceptional demographic of 55% women students, 30% students from small towns and rural areas, and 55% students on scholarships.

The foundation also runs a grant-making business called Azim Premji Philanthropy, which gives money to non-profit organizations (NPOs) that assist the most vulnerable members of our society through multi-year grants.

Congratulations to the whole team of Azim Premji Foundation:
Dileep Ranjekar - Chief Executive Officer
Mahesh Kariyappa- Senior Manager -Finance
Sriparna Banerjee - Program Manager
Elena D'souza - Grants Manager

#Education #sdg4 #champion #philanthropy #educationforall
Inviting gender-lens investing enthusiasts to join the webinar

#genderdiversity # #webinar #assetowners #leadership #sdg5
The average percentage of women executives in Asia's energy industry lags below that of men executives. According to ExecuShe's weekly updated data, Women Executives only make up 9% of the executive workforce, while men dominate the chart. Although the ideal portion of women at the executive level is arguable, having a diverse individual at the executive level has a lot of advantages. Additionally, it demonstrates that women are given equal opportunities to lead.

These companies have opened their doors to allow women to sit on the executive board and become the 9% of the population. A huge round of applause to Thaioil Group ONGC Foundation PTT Group and PT. BUMI Resources, Tbk. as the TOP 4 companies which has the most women at the executive level. And Congratulations to Wanida Boonpiraks Alka Mittal Peangpanor Boonklum and R.A Sri Dharmayanti for the excellent work to contribute to making difference in the company.

Shoutout to this week's quiz winner who answered the question correctly Stephan Angela P. Danijela Nebenfuehr (She/Her) Maurizio Legnani Ebuka Emebinah, CFA

Do you want to know the percentage of women executives in the other region or other industries? Visit

#data #opportunities #womeninbusiness #women #leadership #executive #energy #asia #genderdiversity #genderequality
Four fearless women, Laura Lederer, Frances Kissling, and Nita Barrow, formed The Global Fund for Women in 1987 in Palo Alto, California. They strongly believed that the advancement of women's human rights was essential for social, economic, and political transformation. Global Fund for Women envisions a world where movements for gender justice have transformed power and privilege for a few into equity and equality for all.

The Global Fund for Women has helped feminist groups and local activists for more than 30 years in their efforts to put an end to civil wars, elect female presidents, and pass laws that will provide millions of people with new protections. 12,242 awards totaling $184,790,901 have been given by the Global Fund for Women to 5,235 organizations in 176 countries.

The Global Fund supports the partners and communities in three different ways in addition to providing financial resources.

Connect & Convene
Global Fund for Women brings people together in brave and safer spaces to build trust, strategize, learn, and collaborate at the local, regional, and global levels.

Solidarity & Support
Global Fund for Women shows up for our grantee partners in line with their requests and priorities, including issuing statements of support; supporting institutional strengthening processes; and more.

Advocate & Influence
Global Fund for Women advocates for feminist, intersectional, and intergenerational policies and practices across philanthropy, development, humanitarian aid, and key policy arenas.

Appreciation to the SDG Heroes of the week who represent Global Fund for Women leadership:
Latanya Mapp Frett - President and CEO
PeiYao Chen - Vice President, Impact & Effectiveness
Leila Hessini - Vice President, Programs
Lori Adelman - Vice President, Influence and Engagement also works to promote women in leadership at ExecuShe by harnessing the power of data science to track weekly progress and deliver insights on gender equality within major indices.

#sdg5 #genderdiversity #genderequality #genderequity #womeninleadership #equity #inclusion #gender
Hi folks 👋🏾 Time to get yourself learned a bit more about SDGs by taking our weekly quiz🧠

This week we will collaborate with Fiduciaha - Risk TransPErency for Pensions which continuously monitors the financial characteristics reported by asset owners and Ownaha - SDG your Pension which monitors the ESG and SDG related preference of the asset owners

According to Fiduciaha - Risk TransPErency for Pensions, out of 74 pension funds analysed, Universities Superannuation Scheme (Ltd) earned the highest net investment income with the total of 13,918 million GBP. with the total assets of 87,215 million GBP and total asset under management (AUM) of 60,550 million GBP. They even discuss about climate risk at board level and committed to report their climate risk situation under Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) framework.

The question is...

Can you guess whether their carbon intensity of public equities porfolios is actually higher or lower compared to MSCI World as of April 2018? 🤓

Tagging here our loyal quiz voters who made it to the top quiz leaderboard 🤓 Ebuka Emebinah, CFA Martina Macpherson Matthew McQuade Christopher Larsson Eila Kreivi

#assetowners #pensionfunds #sdg13 #climateaction #esgreporting #sustainabilityreporting
Happy weekend everyone! Time to get yourself learned more about SDGs 🧠

This week we are going to collaborate with ExecuShe which redefines gender lens investing and represents the currently most advanced SDG 5 data available to asset owners, asset managers, corporations, and consultants

Can you estimate the average percentage of female executives in Asia's energy industry, according to ExecuShe?

Tagging here our loyal quiz voters who made it to the top quiz leaderboard 🤓 Ebuka Emebinah, CFA Martina Macpherson Matthew McQuade Christopher Larsson Eila Kreivi

#genderequality #genderdiversity #womenleaders #womenleadership #sdg5
We all know Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) cover 17 goals, 169 targets and 232 unique indicators. We are familiar with SDG 1 discussing about No Poverty, however do you ever wonder in detail which countries are lagging in eradicating their poverty?

To answer your question, presents to you ✨SDG Monthly Progress ✨ where in the beginning of every month we will post a simple analysis showing how the 193 countries perform in terms of achieving one particular SDG goal 📈

This month, we will discuss about SDG 1 - No Poverty where South Sudan has the highest proportion of population living under the poverty threshold, both $1.90/day and $3.20/day. On July 9, 2011, the Republic of South Sudan became the world's newest nation and Africa's 55th country. However, conflicts erupted again in December 2013 and July 2016, undermining socioeconomic gains made since independence and worsening the humanitarian crisis. As a result, a decade after independence, South Sudan is still plagued by fragility, economic stagnation, and instability 😞

Learn more by taking a look at our analysis here and throw some comments to us telling your argument about the reason of a particular country is lagging behind to achieve povery eradication

#sdg1 #nopoverty #povertyeradication #povertyalleviation #povertyreduction
Get ready for Monday?

Let's open up a warm discussion about LGBTQ+ in the workplace with ExecuPride.

#diversity #inclusion #lgbtq #pride #execupride #executive
Hello folks 👋🏻 It's time for new SDG quiz 🧠
J.P. Morgan Asset Management is a global investment manager that offers strategies that cover the full range of asset classes, including equity, fixed income, alternatives, money market, ETFs, and multi-asset solutions.

According to StewardchampS, as part of their investment stewardship report, their engagement topics are aligned to eight (8) out of seventeen (17) SDGs. Can you guess which of these SDG themes is not aligned in J.P Morgan Asset Management's engagement topic?

Tagging here our loyal quiz voters who made it to the top quiz leaderboard 🤓 Ebuka Emebinah, CFA Martina Macpherson Matthew McQuade Christopher Larsson Eila Kreivi
Hello folks 👋🏻
Starting from this week, every two weeks we are going to publish what insight we can derive from our products. Here present to you 🌟SDG Product Insight Post🌟

Where we will explain in a easy and fun way facts and figures from our products. To celebrate the wholesome pride month, we will begin with ExecuPride  🏳️‍🌈

Do you know out of 500. companies listed in S&P500 index, only 11 companies have appointed an LGBTQ+ executive in their team? Check out who they are below!

#diversityandinclusion #diversityintheworkplace #sdg10 #reduceinequality #pridemonth
Do you ever wonder how satellite space images can help to determine creditworthiness of farmers? 💡

ICICI Bank and their amazing financial technology team just did that! In 2020, ICICI started to use satellite data to assess several parameters related to land, irrigation and crop patterns. They combine demographic and financial parameters to make quick lending decisions for farmers within a few days, a huge improvement over the industry average of up to 15 days! So far, they have used satellite imagery in 500 villages spread across Maharashtra, Madya Pradesh and Gujarat. They also plan to extend the initiative to over 63000 more villages 🧑‍🌾👩‍🌾🧺

For SDG folks, this initiative will support the achievement of:
SDG 8.10: Strengthen the capacity of domestic financial institutions to encourage and expand access to banking, insurance and financial services for all

SDG 9.3: Increase the access of small-scale industrial and other enterprises, in particular in developing countries, to financial services, including affordable credit, and their integration into value chains and markets

And since satellite imagery hinders them to deploy officials to travel hundreds of miles across the hinterland to assess irrigation systems, crop quality, and land location for forecasting farm revenue manually, it also contributes to Scope 3 Greenhouse Gas Emissions as the part of their travel emissions (SDG 13)!

A round of applause to the team...
Shubham Bhatnagar - Senior Manager at ICICI Lombard, Rajat Kulshrestha - Valuations, Transactions & Equity Research and Prashant Sharma - Chief Manager

We wish the best of luck to ICICI in expanding their amazing initiatives to thousand of villages in India and encourage more banking companies to get their own sustainability initiatives! 🌱

#sdg8 #sdg9 #accesstoloan #affordableloan #farmerscredit #farmersloan #financialinstitutions #satelliteimagery #spaceimages
It's saturday again! We are delighted to announce our weekly quiz winners 🏆

FrieslandCampina created Broadening Access to Nutrition Programme which aims to actively reach these people especially in our lower income markets with affordable products that have an optimal nutritional value. What they had accomplished are:

1. Growing their portfolio of affordable nutrition products in their lower income markets with their affordable nutrition business model, including in Indonesia, Vietnam, Philippines, Pakistan, Nigeria and Ivory Coast
2. Optimising the nutritional value of affordable nutrition products
3. Food aid, such as Food Banks and supports School Milk and School Feeding programees in almost all countries where they have an operating company
4. Dairy Development Programme which aims to improve the skills of dairy farmers in Asia, Africa and Eastern Europe with regard to sustainable and efficient farming processes

For the amazing initiative they have created, FrieslandCampina was placed top in the category evaluation with a score of 7.7 out of 10 in the Global Index 2021 released by Access to Nutrition Initiative 👏👏

Kudos to... 🥳🎉
Anh Vu Fabian Muhammad Giffari Putra R. Evelyn Thody

To the CSR and sustainability team of FrieslandCampina, we thank you:
Aurélie Letortu - Senior Corporate Sustainability Manager, Nkechi Ejesi - Corporate Communications and Sustainability Lead and Caja Heijne - Global Programme and Portfolio Manager Corporation Sustainability

Thank you everyone for participating in our quiz, please follow our page to learn more all about SDGs action just in one click 📲

#affordablenutrition #affordablefood #accesstofood #foodbanks #foodaid #corporateresponsibility #dairyproducts #foodandbeverage
The UN’s sexual and reproductive health agency, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), announced on Monday the winners of it’s 2022 UN Population Award, with the individual prize going to a young trailblazing parliamentarian from Namibia, Emma Theofelus

Emma Theofelus was born in 1996 and is one of the Africa's youngest cabinet ministers and has used her youth-friendly perspective and experience as an advocate for sexual and reproductive health. She works as information deputy minister.

Moreover, she was a member of AfriYAN, a regional youth-led organisation, where she led inventive efforts to fight teen pregnancy and protect young people’s sexual and reproductive health.

In her interview, she stated: “My view is that accessibility of these sanitary pads will improve – whether personally acquired by women and girls or done so by third parties to assist women and girls. That’s the progress I would rather see and appreciate, and I am under the impression that women and girls from all socio-economic backgrounds feel the same”

Congratulations to Emma Theofelus, AfriYAN Africa, AfriYAN Rwanda for your supports in accomodating sexual and reproductive health issue in African countries! This action contributes to the achievement of:
SDG 3.7 By 2030, ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health-care services, including for family planning, information and education, and the integration of reproductive health into national strategies and programmes

SDG 5.6 Ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights as agreed in accordance with the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development and the Beijing Platform for Action and the outcome documents of their review conferences

#sexualhealth #sdg3 #goodhealthandwellbeing #reproductivehealth #reproductiverights
It's saturday again! We are delighted to announce our weekly quiz winners 🏆

AT&T just extended their support to The Trevor Project through a two-year $750,000 commitment to support the LGBTQ+ community and commitment to mental health. Some of which funding will include consumer engagement opportunities, including:

(i) Every time a consumer posts on Instagram or Twitter using #TURNUPTHELOVE, they will donate $10 to The Trevor Project, up to $125,000 beginning June 3
(ii) In participating stores, they will donate $500, up to $250,00 to The Trevor Project when new or existing customers mention The Trevor Project and buy a new line on a qualifying installment plan with an eligible Unlimited plan
(iii) To encourage volunteerism, this company and Warner Media will launch a PSA featuring HBOMax LGBTQ+ talent and representing members of the LGBTQ+ youth at highest risk

Besides, the LGBTQ+ community at AT&T named League AT&T is one of the oldest LGBT employee resource group (ERG) established in corporate America, founded since 1987. In their 30 years journey, they had done many things to support LGBTQ+ youth, starting from LEAGUE foundation which is providing college scholarship and to today, they have awarded 50 scholarships totaling over $80,000 through Foundation 👏🎓

Congratulations to our quiz winners 🏆
Erkan B. Elisabeth Vishnevskaja, CFA Evelyn Thody Christopher Larsson Matthew McQuade Michael Layadi

Their remarkable support for the LGBTQ+ youth is well done by their amazing team: Stacey Chosed - Director, Market Development, Strategic Alliances and CEO, LEAGUE at AT&T, Preston Sneed - Principla Business Manager and Chief Operating Officer at LEAGUE at AT&T and Alicia Dietsch - SVP of Business Marketing in Dallas as one of the executive sponsors at LEAQUE AT&T 🏳️‍🌈

Thank you everyone for participating in our quiz, please follow our page to learn more all about SDG Actions just in one click 🤳

#sdg3 #goodhealthandwellbeing #mentalhealth #youthempowerment #diversityandinclusion #sdg10
Did you know that drones may help to do the forest restoration?

Fire seasons are growing longer, and destruction is becoming more serious as flames burn hotter and spread over more arid terrain. Around 32,247 wildfires have burnt over 3.3 million acres in the United States since the beginning of 2022⚠️

More deforestation and wildfires will add to the amount of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and fine particulate matter in the atmosphere. Aside from increasing the quantity of Greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere, the accompanying air pollution can cause a variety of health concerns, including respiratory and cardiovascular diseases!

Fortunately, armed with $36 million in new funding and technology capability, DroneSeed provided alternative to the backbreaking work of large-scale tree scaling from root to crown in a modern and vertically integrated way, grafting carbon futures and AI to centure-old machinery and logistics.

Briefly stated, DroneSeed substitutes human tree planters, who perform an important part and do it well, but are becoming increasingly scarce owing to the difficulty and poor pay of the task, and the scale of damage caused by fires has long since passed beyond the capabilities of manual labor. Instead of people, the business uses automated drones equipped with specially developed seed packets and dispensers; they fly low over the terrain, selecting the optimal locations for seed packets — not too rocky, a shallow slope, and many other criteria — and firing them off. Drones may drop dozens of seed packages or, with a more aggressive loadout, spray invasive plants that invariably emerge in the aftermath of fires before trees can take root.

This huge sustainability initiative is supported by the core team of DroneSeeds: Grant Canary - CEO, Ben Reilly - CTO and Shane Manciagli - Head of Finance

We wish the best of luck to DroneSeed in spreading the market and utilizing their recent technology to make reforestation easier in every place🍀

#sdg15 #lifeonland #reforestation #wildfires
According to a report published by The Education Trust,

There is a 17% gap in degree attainment between Black adults and White adults and
a 24.5% gap between Latino adults and White adults ❗

In other words, compared to 47% of white adults, only 24% of Native American, Native Alaskan, and Native Hawaiian adults have earned a college degree at the associate's degree level or higher⚠️

That is why Native Forward Scholars Fund steps forward to accomodate more than 20,000 undergraduate and graduate students since its founding over 50 years ago. The fund was originally created to support Native Americans pursuing graduate education, and about 60 percent of its scholarships goes to graduate students. The organization is currently in the process of expanding its support services and reach in hopes of lifting graduate degree attainment among Native Americans 🎓

Their support in helping Native American students are contributing to SDG 4 Quality Education, especially SDG indicator 4.b which aims to substantially expand the number of scholarships available to developing countries, particularly least developed countries, small island developing States and African countries, for enrolment in higher education, including vocational training and information and communications technology, technical, engineering and scientific programmes, in developed countries and other developing countries by 2020

All credits go to the whole team of Native Forward👏👏, represented by: Angelique Albert, MBA - CEO, Jill Geltmaker - COO, Christa Moya - Director of Scholarship Operations

Thank you SDG heroes of your contributions 🤍 Hopefully as day goes by, the education gap between racial groups are smaller and together we can achieve universal access of education for everyone!

#sdg4 #qualityeducation #scholarshipprogramme #educationgap #educationaid #scholarship
It's saturday again! We are delighted to announce our last week quiz winners 🏆

According to Execunicity's record and our calculation, there are, on average, 77.1% white executives in the total of 70 executives recorded in six top oil companies: bp PLC, Chevron Corp, ConocoPhillips, Duke Energy Corporation, ExxonMobil and Shell PLC

Congratulations to ... 🏆
Wendy X. Q. She Stephan Angela P. Christian Dein abdiladif mohamed Maurizio Legnani Christian Arno Adebusola Obasa Ebuka Emebinah, CFA Michael Layadi Ellinor Häggebrink DONALD GAITAN SEUPA (He/Him) Rosemary Irons Juan A. Casado Hebrard

From these figures, we are aware that even the top oil companies are still lagging behind to empower ethnicity inclusion in their executive team. We are looking forward to more diverse ethnicity background in the executive teams of not only oil companies, but also companies from various industries.

Together with ExecuNicity, we will consistently track ethnicity distribution of the executive teams in many companies!

Please follow our page and Execunicity to learn more all about diversity in the workplace 🧑‍💼👩🏾‍💼

#sdg10 #diversityandinclusion #diversityintheworkplace #diversityatwork
Here at, we harness the power of data science to track weekly progress and deliver insights on many SDG goals databases, starting from:

SDG 5 (gender equality in the workplace) with ExecuShe, where we track asset owners, asset managers, corporations and consultants executives.

SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth) with Employeaha

SDG 10 (Reduce Inequality) with ExecuNicity, which utilizes Execushe data asset to monitor ethnic/racial diversity among top executives. Additionally, with ExecuPride, we monitor the LGBTQ preferences and support publicly known senior executives to offer insights into the organizational openness to LGBTQ.

SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production) with Consumeaha, where we track the time-varying extend of consumer complaints voiced publicly

SDG 13 (Climate Action) with Net Zero Zeal, which utilizes in depth scientific expertise in climate finance, climate science and AI to assess Net Zero Targets of corporations.

To learn more about our products and contribution to SDG goals, visit our website at: or send us email at:
Hello folks 👋 Time to get yourself learned more about SDGs with our weekly quiz ✅

In this week, we will collaborate with our product ExecuNicity which utilizes the ExecuShe data asset to monitor ethnic / racial diversity among top executives, whereby three data scouts from different non-white ethnic / racial background independently code the executives with respect to their perception of the executives’ ethnic / racial diversity  🧑‍💼🧑🏽‍💼🧑🏾‍💼🧑🏿‍💼

bp PLC, Chevron Corp, ConocoPhillips, Duke Energy Corporation, ExxonMobil and Shell PLC are 6 of the top 15 oil and gas companies sorted by their market cap.

Aside from their large market cap from time to time, let's see how their diversity in the workplace looks like 🕵🏿🕵️‍♀️

Out of the 70 executives from the six companies, can you guess which ethnicity group dominates the team? 🤔

Clue: According to our calculations, the average percentage is 70%!

Tagging here our loyal quiz voters who made it to the top quiz leaderboard 🤓 Ebuka Emebinah, CFA Martina Macpherson Matthew McQuade Christopher Larsson Eila Kreivi

#sdg10 #diversityandinclusion #diversityintheworkplace #diversityatwork
Hi Folks! Are you ready for this week's quiz?

This week, we are celebrating the #PrideMonth, together with ExecuPride, which monitors the LGBTQ preferences and supports organizational openness to LGBTQ! 🌈

It is estimated that more than 1.8 million LGBTQ+ youths in the U.S consider suicide each year which is equal to 42% of all LGBTQ+ youths (ages 13 to 24). In other words, at least one young LGBTQ+ person attempts suicide every 45 seconds in the U.S. (Trevor Project, 2021).

These statistics demonstrate the crucial need for these young people to have support in times of crisis. 

Fortunately, not everyone turned their heads from this accident. This top telecommunications company just extended their support to The Trevor Project through a two-year, $750,000 commitment to support the LGBTQ+ community and mental health. This initiative totally works toward SDG indicator 3.4.2 to be fully aware of anyone in our surroundings and appreciate their identities🤍

Some of the funding will include consumer engagement opportunities, including:
(i) Every time a consumer posts on Instagram or Twitter using #TURNUPTHELOVE, they will donate $10 to The Trevor Project, up to $125,000 as of June 3, 2022
(ii) In participating stores, they will donate from $500 up to $250,000 to The The Trevor Project when new or existing customers mention The Trevor Project and buy a new line on a qualifying installment plan with an eligible Unlimited plan
(iii) To encourage volunteerism, they and WarnerMedia will launch a PSA featuring HBOMax LGBTQ+ talent and representing members of the LGBTQ+ youth at the highest risk

Can you guess which company is it?

Tagging here our loyal quiz voters who made it to the top quiz leaderboard 🤓 Ebuka Emebinah, CFA Martina Macpherson Matthew McQuade Christopher Larsson Eila Kreivi

#sdg3 #goodhealthandwellbeing #mentalhealth #youthempowerment #diversityandinclusion #sdg10
Happy weekend everyone! It's time for the new weekly SDG quiz 🌱

In 2021, Access to Nutrition Initiative released the Global Index 2021 report where they assessed how the world’s largest global food and beverage (F&B) manufacturers contribute to addressing malnutrition in all its forms: overweight and obesity, undernutrition, and micronutrient deficiency. One of their assessment category is Accessibility in delivering affordable, accessible products. This is in line with what SDG 2.1 aims to achieve, which is by 2030, end hunger and ensure access by all people, in particular the poor and people in vulnerable situations, including infants, to safe, nutritious and sufficient food all year round

This major F&B company was placed top in the category evaluation with a score of 7.7 out of 10 for improving its commitments, plans, and practices by effectively implementing a policy on affordability and accessibility known as 'Broadening Access to Nutrition.' Its specific, quantifiable goals for this program stand out. One of its goals is to expand the percentage of affordable nutrition products to at least 15% of sales volume in its lower-income markets (Nigeria, Pakistan, Ivory Coast, Indonesia, Vietnam, and the Philippines) by 2025. Furthermore, it seeks to improve the percentage of affordable nutrition products in these markets that meet its own nutrition requirements, Affordable Nutritional Standards, to at least 50% by 2025 🍅🍊

Can you guess of these following F&B manufacturers, which company is it?

#sdg2 #affordablefood #accesstofood #endhunger #foodandbeverage
Hello folks 👋🏾 Time to get yourself learned more about SDGs with our weekly quiz ✅

Every month, we are going to publish insights about how the 193 countries performed last year in the calculation of SDG Index 🌱

To begin with, we will throw a question here about the achievement of SDG 1 - No Poverty last year

Can you guess which of these African countries has the highest proportion of population that living under the poverty threshold of $3.20/day?

The clue is...
The answer of the quiz is according to SDG Index published in the beginning of this year 💡

Tagging here our loyal quiz voters who made it to the top quiz leaderboard 🤓 Ebuka Emebinah, CFA Martina Macpherson Matthew McQuade Christopher Larsson Eila Kreivi

#nopoverty #sdg1 #povertyalleviation #povertyreduction
Here at, we harness the power of data science to track weekly progress and deliver insights on many SDG goals databases, starting from:

SDG 5 (gender equality in the workplace) with ExecuShe, where we track asset owners, asset managers, corporations and consultants executives.

SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth) with Employeaha

SDG 10 (Reduce Inequality) with ExecuNicity, which utilizes Execushe data asset to monitor ethnic/racial diversity among top executives. Additionally, with ExecuPride, we monitor the LGBTQ preferences and support publicly known senior executives to offer insights into the organizational openness to LGBTQ.

SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production) with Consumeaha, where we track the time-varying extend of consumer complaints voiced publicly

SDG 13 (Climate Action) with Net Zero Zeal, which utilizes in depth scientific expertise in climate finance, climate science and AI to assess Net Zero Targets of corporations.

To learn more about our products and contribution to SDG goals, visit our website at: or send us email at:
It's saturday again, which means it's time to announce our weekly quiz winners 🏆

Cardano Foundation uses proof of stake (PoS) instead of proof of work (PoW) where it helps to save a staggering amount of energy where they claim their cryptocurrency network only consumes 6GWh of power or just about 0.01% of Bitcoin's. Moreover, PoS' hardware investment is much lower where their full PoS blockchain can be completely secured using 1/10 or even less of electric power a PoW equivalent.

Cardano, in particular, employs Ouroboros as the first provably secure PoS protocol and the first blockchain technology based on peer-reviewed research. To secure the security and sustainability of the blockchains that rely on it, Ouroboros combines innovative technology and mathematically-verified procedures, which in turn combine behavioral psychology and economic philosophy. As the result, Cardano claimed to be the first protocol with established security assurances capable of facilitating the proliferation of global, permissionless networks with minimum energy needs.

Congratulations to... 🥳🎊
Rowena Babu Evelyn Thody Matthew McQuade Emile Wirsiy Marco Fuscaldo Christopher Larsson

We would like to give a special shout out to the team of Cardano: Alexandre Maaza - Outreach Development Officer, Frederik Gregaard - Chief Executive Officer and Sandro Knöpfel - Head of Financial & Regulated Institutions

Hopefully this sustainabiity initiative will be a good practice to the other crypto blockcahins to immediately replace their system to become more energy efficient 💡

#sdg7 #energyefficiency #cryptoblockchains #cryptocurrency
Happy weekend everyone! Time to announce our last week quiz winners 🏆

Giant Eagle, Inc. Inc was ranked as the first in the Shopping for Plastic: The 2021 Supermarket Plastics Ranking conducted by Greenpeace. Giant Eagle earned the score for 34.88 out of 100 which marks as a meteoric rise from the 16th place in 2019 to the 1st place in 2021. Giant Eagle created public commitment to eliminate all single-use plastics by 2025, solidly placing it ahead of all other retailers for this category. The retailer is developing sustainable packaging supplier guidelines. Just about three weeks ago, Giant Eagle eliminated all single-use plastics use in their Cuyahoga county stores 👏

Congratulations for nailing our quiz!! 🥳🎉
Evelyn Thody Judith Bogner Nyoh Munji Betsy Hickman Christopher Larsson Hunter Mills Christian Dein Susanne Knappstein Ebuka Emebinah, CFA

To appreciate the policy and commitment to reduce plastic usage in their stores, would like to applaud: Laura Shapira Karet - CEO, Cara Mercil - Director of Sustainability and Don Clark - EVP & Chief Merchandising Officer 👏👏

We wish the best of luck to Giant Eagle in achieving their target to eliminate all single-use plastics from their operations by 2025! Everyone, let's support them!🤝

Thank you everyone for participating in our quiz, please follow our page to learn more all about SDGs action 🌱

#reduceplastic #zeroplastic #sdg12 #sdg11 #responsibleproduction
Happy weekend everyone! Time to announce our last week quiz winners! 🏆

In 2018, Eviation Aircraft created three prototype versions: a "commuter" version, an executive version, and a cargo-specific version. The commuter version will accomodate nine passengers and two pilots, as well as 850 pounds of cargo, and is now being tested. The executive version will include six passenger seats, while the cargo-specific version will have a volume of 450 cubic feet.

Just about a month ago, Eviation has struck the first ever commercial electric aircraft order, with Massachusetts-based Cape Air agreeing for the purchase of its 75 electric aircraft.

For its amazing work in developing electric aircraft to cut aviation industry's emission, Eviation become one of the finalists in the 2022 GeekWire Awards’ Innovation of the Year category

Congratulations to ... 🥳🎉
Stervie Andrew Matthew McQuade Christopher Larsson Christian Arno Christian Dein Ebuka Emebinah, CFA Fabian Muhammad Giffari Putra R. Inès Kompalitch Wirsiy Emile

In this moment, we would like to recognize the hardwork and dedication of Eviation's leadership team: Gregory Davis - President & Interim CEO, Lior Zivan - Chief Technology Officer, Yair Katz - Chief Operating Officer, Jessica Pruss - Vice President of Sales General & Business Aviation and Eddie Jaisaree - Vice President of Commercial Sales

Thank you everyone for participating in our quiz, please follow our page to learn more all about SDGs just in one click 🤳

#electricaircraft #sustainabletransport #electricairplane #sdg11
Folks, in the coming month, as a part of SDG Heroes of the Week series, we will focus on "Help for Ukrainians". The war continues and more civilians and innocent people are left dead. 

This week, we'd like to recognize the efforts and support of Wine to Water, a non-profit organization that began by assisting Sudanese people by establishing water systems for victims of government-sponsored genocide.

Wine To Water has provided safe water to almost 1.4 million people in 50 countries 🚰

Survivors of Russia's siege on the Ukrainian city of Mariupol are saying that some inhabitants are being forced to gather rain and melt snow for drinking water as a result of the brutal battle since the Russian invasion. In many places, bottled water and occasionally tap water have become a luxury product that most people do not have access to right now. This constitutes a water catastrophe, which Wine To Water must handle promptly.

Wine To Water is distributing 12,000 water filters to migrants fleeing Ukraine, and in bordering areas in Poland and Romania. These water filters can clean 2.4 million gallons of water every day and can endure for ten years. This is the largest filter shipment in 18 year of Wine to Water's history.

We'd like to take this platform to acknowledge Wine To Water's team of their support to Ukraine and Grand Circle Foundation in making these 12,000 water filters closer to become true: Doc Henley - President and Founder, Sophie Davis - Event Coordinator, Courtney Mattar- Director of Partnerships and Philanthropy, Maria Swords - Stewardship Coordinator and Parmod Chandna - Chief Operating Officer

Thank you for your contribution, SDG Heroes 🤍 Hopefully together we can end this terrible war

#sdg6 #cleanwater #helpforukraine #saveukraine #watercrisis
"We got used to eating very little because we were gripped by fear" - Miss Shablevskaya, a post office clerk, one of the Ukrainian refugees

"They have been in the basement since Feb 24, they have not been out at all. They are running out of food and water" - Miss Bondarieva, one of the Ukrainian refugees

"It's very crowded and there isn't enough food. People get ill because it's very cold and everyone is lying next to each other" - Anastasiya Ponomareva, 39 years old teacher who fled the city at the start of the war

Day by day, the Russian invasion continues unabated. Russian forces were not only at battle with Ukrainian military, but they also endangered the lives of Ukrainian citizens. Because they lost their residence and food on their way to flee the city, basic life necessities have taken precedence in this situation.

In this moment, we would like to take a moment to applause the food aid provided by World Central Kitchen (WCK) who has built the largest food relief operation in Ukraine, reaching more than 230 cities and town. Their journey started after arriving on the Poland-Ukraine border to provide hot meals to refugee families just 24 hours after the invasion began, they quickly scaled up operations. WCK teams began operating 24/7 at all border crossings in neighboring countries. They also set up a huge warehouse in Warsaw to send trucks which transport millions of pounds of food into Ukraine.

In the western city of Lviv, they set up multiple warehouses and established a cargo railway hub, where they fill train wagons with food everyday and dispatch them to cities across the countries. They also created a meal voucher program in Lviv, where temporary homes have been built for the refugee families. Using a voucher, each person can walk to a nearby cafetaria to receive a free meal at any time.

In addition, WCK provided the grocery kits packing containing 30 pounds of products for families who are struggling with access to cooking ingredients. In total, across Ukraine, WCK teams have distributed more than 11 million pounds of food!

This amazing food aid program wouldn't be there without the support of these people at World Central Kitchen 👏👏: Rob Wilder - Chairman/Co-Founder, Alexandra S. Garcia - Chief Program Officer, Elliot F. Kaye - SVP, Policy

We wish the best to the whole team of WCK starting from their operation lead, thousand of kitchen personnel, hundreds of logistic staffs and volunteers to perform their job and together, we can end this terrible war!

#helpforukraine #chefsforukraine #saveukraine #sdg16 #peaceontheworld
Happy weekend everyone! Time to announce our last week's SDG Quiz 🏆

According to Greenpeace Guide to Greener Electronics 2017, Fairphone received the highest score among rivals. Fairphone received a B on their report cards, which aggregated from three environmental factors as follows: Energy (graded B), Resources (graded A-), and Chemicals (scored as B-). 

Fairphone has launched a number of sustainability initiatives, one of which is their approach to design phones for durability and repairability, which might be a game changer in the battle against e-waste and emissions. In 2020, they collaborated with Closing the Loop to collect almost 5000 kg of batteries in Nigeria, which were subsequently delivered to Europe for safe recycling.

Congratulations to... 🥳🎉
Simone Conrad Theodor Cojoianu Caroline Le Gargasson Ardi Sugiarno abdiladif mohamed Rosa Alma Chizzini Nico Frey Matthew McQuade Elisabeth Vishnevskaja, CFA Giacomo Bravaccini Evelyn Thody Janice Daly, CFA Giacomo Bressan Hugh O'Gara Tom Woodfield Albin Axelsson Sofia Bartholdy Thomas Hähl Ludovic Lenders Manuel Coeslier Thomas Collin Lydia M. Åsa Moberg Princy Belalahy Flavio De Carolis Diana Trif Zain Sajid Daniël Poolen Paolo Azzurro Marie Baumgarts Indira Frydrych-Abraham Margaret Kalisvaart CCP, CIPP/E, CIPM Luke Fletcher Jeroen Derwall Riyong K. Erik Frank

We also would like to appreciate the sustainability team of Fairphone: Tirza Voss - Sustainability Manager of Materials & Mining, Remco Kouwenhoven - Social Innovation Lead and Monique Lempers - Impact Innovation Director

To conclude, we'd like to quote Fairphone's CEO about their company's vision on incorporating sustainability into their products.

"Be that tiny mosquito motivating a massive industry to take responsibility for their impact on the
world, by establishing a viable market for ethical electronics".- Eva Gouwens (CEO of Fairphone)
Since Russian forces were pushed back from Kyiv at the end of March, the dead of over 1,000 people have been discovered in the Bucha district, many of whom were hurriedly buried in shallow graves. Unprovoked violence causes injury to innocent individuals, hence medical supplies will be critical in this situation ⚠️

In this moment, we would like to recognize the support of Novartis which is committed to helping the humanitarian effort in Ukraine and make an initial donation of USD 3 million to be share within three humanitarian organizations: International Committee of the Red Cross - ICRC and Red Crescent Movement, Save the Children International and International Rescue Committee

As a medicine company, Novartis has delivered more than one million packs of antibiotics, painkillers, cardiovascular and oncology treatment which amounts to more than USD 25 million in medical aid to maintain the supply to those who rely on these drugs in Ukraine and even in the border areas where people are seeking refuge.

In terms of international sanction in response to the invasion of Russia to Ukraine, Novartis has been pausing the initiation of new clinical trials and the enrollment of new study participants in existing trials

We would like to appreciate the team of Novartis: Vas Narasimhan - CEO, Lutz Hegemann - President, Global Health, Bahadir Pakis - Managing Director Novartis Romania, General Manager Novartis Pharmaceuticals, Michael Kocher - President, CEO, Board Member, Novartis, Sandoz and Mona Hassan Ghattass - Supreme Heart Failure Specialist

Thank you SDG heroes for your contribution, let's hope together we can immediately end this terrible war 🕊️

#sdg3 #goodhealthandwellbeing #sdg16 #peaceintheworld #saveukraine #saveukrainenow
On June 1st, we celebrate World Reef Awareness Day, which serves as a reminder for individuals, corporations, and other organizations to respect the fragile ecosystem of the coral reefs in our oceans 🌊

Coles Group, one of Australia's largest retail companies, has announced plans to invest $10 million in a 10-year blue carbon project at the Great Barrier Reef in collaboration with the Great Barrier Reef Foundation. Blue carbon will capture and store carbon in oceanic or coastal ecosystems including mangroves, tidal marshes, and seagrasses. The funds will be used to reinstate a significant coastal wetland in the Great Barrier Reef catchment, which would restore coastal ecosystems while also serves as effective carbon sinks.

The projects are:

- Working with farmers to restore a significant coastal wetland in the Great Barrier Reef catchment, with the objective of strengthening coastal ecosystems while also serving as highly effective carbon sinks. 
- Creating the first large-scale seagrass nursery in partnership with leading seagrass researchers and Traditional Owners of the Reef, as well as a demonstration site to unlock the research required to support seagrass restoration at scale.

To celebrate this day, we would like to congratulate the team of Coles Group and the Great Barrier Reef Foundation for their partnership in developing Blue Carbon Projects to restore coastal habitats:

Coles: Thinus Keeve - Chief Sustainability, Property and Export Officer, Sophie Straford - Sustainability Program Manager (Climate Change), Bill Wall - Responsible Sourcing Manager (Seafood)

The Great Barrier Reef Foundation: Russell Reichelt AO FTSE - Director, Anna Marsden - Managing Director and Cherrie Wilson - Head of Corporate Services

Hopefully this partnership will protect our coral reefs as the mother and homes for thousand marine species 🐟

#marineconservation #marinesafety #coralreefs #sdg14 #lifebelowwater
Happy weekend everyone! Time to get yourself learned more every week all about SDGs ♻️

This time our quiz topic is related to aviation industry 🛫

Everything we do, from the food we eat, products we buy to the way we travel, releases greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, and so has an impact on the planet’s climate. But some activities have a far greater impact than others.

Aviation industry's contribution in terms fo the total direct emissions are various. According to European Commission, in 2017 direct emissions from aviation accounted for 3.8% of total CO2 emissions or 13.9% of total emissions from transportation sector, making it the second biggest source of transport GHG emissions after road transport. Meanwhile according to Federal Aviation Administration, aviation's share of US CO2 emissions was about 2.7% of total domestic emissions in 2019. 

At first glance, that might not seem like very big contribution since International Council on Clean Transporation (ICCT) estimated just 3% of the global population take regular flights. However, to give an idea how massive each single trip using airplane's contribution to GHG emissions, a return flight from London to San Francisco emits around 5.5 tonnes of CO2 equivalent per person, which is more than twice the emissions produced by a family car in a year 🚗💨

Assuming the percentage of people travelling by plane increases due to the increasing presence of low-cost carriers (Investopedia, 2022), doing absolutely nothing is a setback for such decarbonization goals. Fortunately, several manufacturers have started creating electric aircraft, which is deemed a win-win solution in reducing their fuel cost which represents 15-20% of their total cost and as well as an avenue for addressing emissions

Just three weeks ago, this aircraft manufacturer has struck the first ever commercial electric aircraft order, with Massachusetts-based Cape Air agreeing for the purchase of its 75 electric aircraft! Moreover, this company is also one of the five finalists for Innovation of the Year in the 2022 Geekwire Awards for developing three variants of their all-electric aircraft, which are optimized for cargo shipment, commuter passenger service and executive business travel ⚡✈️

Can you guess which company is it?

Perhaps our Top 7 leaderboard might be able to pick and share their answer? 🧑‍🏫👩‍🏫 Matthew McQuade Martina Macpherson Judith Bogner Janice Daly, CFA Eila Kreivi Christopher Larsson Karim Z.

#sustainableaviation #electricaircraft #electricplane #sustainabletransport #sustainabletravel
It's saturday again, time to announce our weekly quiz winners! 🏆

Mark and Spencer PLC expanded the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) Assured range they sell. They are alongside being the only UK retailer to offer RSPCA Assured milk and looking forward to carry the RSPCA Assured logo on their shell eggs, pork, farmed salmon, trout and Oakham Gold Chicken.

In addition, they only source 100% free range eggs for both their fresh shell egg and ingredient supply since 1997 and 2002. In 2017, they were the first retailer to sign the Better Chicken Commitment to deliver higher welfare chicken across all their fresh, frozen and ingredient chicken by 2026 which set them to become the first major retailer to only sell fresh chicken that meets the criteria for the Better Chicken Commitment! By December 2022, all of their continental pork will be sourced from free farrowing systems where currently 21% of their continental pork comes from there systems.

Congratulations to.. 👏👏
Evelyn Thody Rowena Babu Alexandre Ariño Fort, CIA CFE Emer Ní Chuanigh Matthew McQuade Christopher Larsson Martina Macpherson Christian Dein

These animal welfare commitments wouldn't be done without the great support of Mark & Spencer PLC's team: Steve McLean - Head of Agriculture & Fisheries, Lucinda Langton - Head of Sustainability, M&S Food, Rob Barnes - Chief Technology Officer - Food & Retail, Gina Josephs - Strategic Development Analyst - M&S Food, William Watts - Head of Food Technology and Maria Pickett - Head of Insight, Food

We wish the best luck for Mark & Spencer PLC to fulfill their better chicken commitment by 2026 and more incoming animal welfare initiatives from the other food retailers🍀

Thank you everyone for participating in our quiz, please follow our page to learn more all about SDG actions just in one click 🤳
#sustainablesupplychain #responsibleproduction #animalwelfare #sdg15 #sdg12
Happy weekend everyone! Time to get yourself learned more all about SDGs with our weekly quiz 🧠

Over the last ten years, the demand for cryptocurrencies has soared to the point that the market value for total cryptocurrency has surpassed three trillion dollars and the price of the largest global cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, has nearly doubled in a year. The surge in price and the creation of more cryptocurrencies has resulted in frantic demand, prompting millions of individuals all over the world to try their luck in the crypto pie, even if they have no prior understanding of it.

The cryptocurrency market is well-known for its risk and volatile trend, yet fewer people debate its environmental impact, which contributes to a huge carbon footprint. To give you an idea, Bitcoin, the most popular cryptocurrency today, used 2100 kilowatt hours (kWh) for each of their transaction, which is about equivalent to what an ordinary US home consumes in 75 days! This enormous market can create extravagant greenhouse gas emissions because their majority energy supply is still derived from non-renewable energy sources. Bitcoin's yearly carbon footprint is similar to the discharge of 97.2 megatonnes of CO2, which is nearly the annual emissions of Argentina as a whole.

The activity of crypto mining, which is the process of producing or 'winning' new bitcoins by solving increasingly complex mathematical problems, contributes significantly to this high carbon footprint number. This technique is also known as proof-of-work (PoW), and it begins with standard computers (CPUs) solving these riddles, but as competition increases, they must employ specialized computers - ASIC systems.

However, not all bitcoin miners have this huge environmental impact. This crypto blockchain use proof of stake (PoS) instead of PoW where it helps to save a staggering amount of energy where they claim their cryptocurrency network only consumes 6GWh of power or just about 0.01% of Bitcoin's. Moreover, Pos' hardware investment is much lower where their full PoS blockchain can be completely secured using 1/10 or even less of electric power a PoW equivalent.

Can you guess which one is the correct crypto blockcahin according to our clues? 🔍

Let's hear what our top leaderboard think of the answer 💡 Matthew McQuade Eila Kreivi Christopher Larsson Martina Macpherson Ebuka Emebinah, CFA

#cryptocurrency #cryptomining #cryptocurrencymining #crypto
A global measure of farm animal welfare management, policy commitment, performance and disclosure in food companies - The Businness Benchmark on Farm Animal Welfare together with Compassion in World Farming and FOUR PAWS released a report in 2021 to disclose how top food companies are doing regarding the farm animal welfare.

The result is the overall average score is only 32 out of 100% (compared to 35% In 2020) where 127 of the 150 evaluated companies achieve an 'E' or 'F' impact rating, signifying that these companies are failing to demonstrate improved animal welfare impacts for farm animals in their global supply chains. Despite of falling performance of the overall evaluated companies, important progress been made by some companies who are continuing to invest in improving welfare standards. One of the five leading companies just expanded the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) Assured range they sell. They are alongside being the only UK retailer to offer RSPCA Assured milk and looking forward to carry the RSPCA Assured logo on their shell eggs, pork, farmed salmon, trout and Oakham Gold Chicken 🦈🐔

In addition, they only source 100% free range eggs for both their fresh shell egg and ingredient supply since 1997 and 2002. In 2017, they were the first retailer to sign the Better Chicken Commitment to deliver higher welfare chicken across all their fresh, frozen and ingredient chicken by 2026 which set them to become the first major retailer to only sell fresh chicken that meets the criteria for the Better Chicken Commitment! By December 2022, all of their continental pork will be sourced from free farrowing systems where currently 21% of their continental pork comes from there systems.

Can you guess which food retail company is it?

Let's hear what our top 5 leaderboard think of the answer 👨‍🏫👩‍🏫 Judith Bogner Matthew McQuade Christopher Larsson Ebuka Emebinah, CFA Martina Macpherson
Hi everyone! Time to get yourself learned all about SDGs 🌈

In 2019, according to The Guardian, supermarkets was responsible of 900,000 tonnes of plastic packaging to the market. This is a 1.6% reduction compared to 2018, but a 1.2% increase compared to 2017! Even if the production of plastic bags was down 8% on 2018, it was still significant. Additionally, supermarkets sold 2.1 billion plastic bags in 2019, including 1.58 billion labelled “bags for life” which are intended to be reusable. This equates to almost 57 “bags for life” per UK household in 2019, more than one a week, and is a 65% increase since 2017.

However, not all supermarkets showed little or no commitment in reducing their plastic waste. This supermarket company initiated a public commitment to eliminate all single-use plastics by 2025, solidly placing it ahead of all other retailers for this category. This company kicked off its commitment by banning plastic checkout bags in a subset of its stores and offering paper options for grocery delivery and pickup, for a price. The company is also developing sustainable packaging supplier guidelines. 

In 2021, this company ranked first out of 20 major US grocery retailers based on their efforts to reduce their reliance on plastics,, in which this ranking is conducted by Greenpeace with a score of 34.88 out of 100. Note that it is still a low score as Greenpeace stated that compared to their first ranking in 2019, all supermarkets they assesed received failing score because they largely deprioritized sustainability, including plastic pollution, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, this company still worth the recognize since they do better compared to their competitors.

Out of these large grocery retailers in U.S, can you guess which company is it? 🛒

Let's hear what our top 7 quiz leaderboard think of the answer 💡 Matthew McQuade Martina Macpherson Christopher Larsson Ebuka Emebinah, CFA Judith Bogner Eila Kreivi Janice Daly, CFA

#reduceplasticwaste #reusablebag #zeroplastic #sdg12 #sdg11
Happy weekend everyone! It's the time to announce our last week quiz winners 🏆

Schroders has launched an open-ended fund that will invest in listed companies “facilitating a sustainable transition to a digital economy”. What makes them more special than the other asset companies who also launched their digital infrastructure fund is that they will exclude companies who do not have the specific ESG criteria in their business model. Each company will be analyzed using their proprietary ESG analysis tool, for example the Schroders' policy about human right, board gender diversity, carbon intensity, fossil fuel exposure and so on.

Hats off to... 🎊🎉
Maria Lombardo Wirsiy Emile

Also we'd like to appreciate the hard work of digital infrastructure fund team of Schroders: 
Tom Walker and Hugo Machin as Co-head Global Listed Real Assets and Ben Forster, CFA as Portfolio Manager. 

The involvement of ESG criteria in their fund selection is very important and here is what the team stated about digital infrastructure:
“Digital infrastructure has a key role to play in promoting economic competitiveness, social inclusion and reducing energy consumption. We believe digital infrastructure is the fourth utility such is its importance to society, and for many businesses and governments it is ‘mission critical. In our view, we are in the early stages of the digital transformation, this provides a compelling growth opportunity for companies that are at forefront of this transformation and the true value of digital infrastructure is not fully appreciated by the market.

“By utilising Schroders’ extensive research and ESG capabilities, our aim is to select companies that practice good governance and have demonstrated a commitment to sustainability, which meet the fund’s sustainability criteria. We are confident that, combined with our focus on companies backed by physical assets, we can deliver strong long-term capital growth for our investors.”

Thank you everyone for participating in our quiz, please follow our page to learn more all about SDGs just in one click 🖱️
”At night it was difficult to sleep because of the pains in my body, and then we had to get up at 04.00 and work until 16.00. I was always tired.” - Abdoulaye (9 years old), child labourer on a cocoa farm

“My father sent me here to work... I haven’t seen my family for three years” Yoa Kouassi Child (16 years old), child labourer on a cocoa farm

“You get very tired when you work so much,” he said, showing scars he still has from his machete injuries. “Every day I would wake at six o’clock and go straight to the cocoa farm.” Dera (15 years old), child labourer on a cocoa farm

1.56 million children are still illegally working on cocoa farms in Ghana and Côte d'Ivoire today. That equals to one in every two children in each cocoa-growing household. And 95 percent of these children work in very hazardous conditions, such as using sharp instruments, lifting heavy loads, or being exposed to agrochemicals.

It has been two decades since the Harkin-Engel Protocol, which committed to abolish the worst types of child labor within five years in 2005, yet the data above show that no meaningful progress has been achieved by major cocoa corporations either⚠️

Thankfully, many NGOs have viewed this child labor practice as inhumane and have started campaigning actions to reduce the prevalence rate of child labor, one of them is KidsRights. The NGO invests in initiatives related to the International Children's Peace Prize Winners' topics. KidsRights programs are focused on accomplishing, supporting, and observing children's rights, particularly the abolition of child labor abuses. Their efforts directly benefit the local environment and children's rights.

In this moment, we would like to appreciate the great work of the team, Scipio van der Stoel - Secretary and Member of the Board, Cindy De Visser - Member of the Board, Ludovica Del Vecchio - Project Manager, Chandrima Chattopadhyay - Program Coordinator, Ashish Shinde - Action Developer - Aware India

We hope the best for Kidsrights in tackling issues together with their partners to end the worst forms of child labours worldwide 🌍

Please follow our page to learn more all about SDG actions just in one click 🖱️

#sdg8 #endchildlabor #childlabor #childrights #sdgs

Assessing Progress in Reducing Child Labor in Cocoa Growing Areas of Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana | (2019).

KidsRights. (2014). Not so Sweet: Hazardous Child Labour, with a focus on cocoa plantations in Ivory Coast. Retrieved from"
It has been two months since Russia invaded Ukraine, and the UN reports that more than 4.9 million Ukrainians have fled the nation as a result of the war, with 13100-13300 fatalities

In the midst of Ukraine's difficult times, several large corporations are giving assistance ranging from medical services and supplies to housing, food, and even job opportunities.

The Adecco Group has launched a new portal,, which is a free-to-post platform for applicants from Ukraine looking for employment in countries where they have sought asylum, as well as companies looking for workers in countries where the Adecco Group has a presence. The website is available in both Ukrainian and English 

The gateway includes the following features:
- Job search in approximately 60 countries and areas where the Adecco Group is represented by its three worldwide business units: Adecco, LHH, and Akkodis.
- Free online training programs for CV creation, job hunting, and career counseling.
- Reskilling and upskilling in areas such as digital capabilities and language skills, for example.
- Links to resources to assist refugees in finding homes.
- Links to government websites that provide information on labor rules, with an initial emphasis on European nations.
- A job advertising option for businesses wishing to hire displaced workers.

In this moment, we would like to appreciate the dedication and hard work of the team: Alain Dehaze - CEO, Alex Fleming - Regional President of Northern Europe, Angelo Lo Vecchio - SVP Adecco and Head of Eastern Europe, Middle East & North Africa and Jerick Develle - Head of Crisis Operation Team 👏👏

To date, over 1,100 organizations from across the world have joined up to a new online job matching network to assist persons displaced by the violence in Ukraine, and have listed over 3,000 available openings. Furthermore, over 3,200 people who fled Ukraine and are now attempting to establish new lives outside the nation have applied for employment on the platform. Their matching engine has already distributed 6,000 resumes to firms who are looking for employees.

We wish The Adecco Group and other job openings the best of luck in assisting Ukrainians to remain safe amid the war 💙💛

Please follow our page to learn more all about SDGs action

#sdg16 #ukrainecrisis #ukraineunderattack #saveukrainenow #sdg8
May 2018: Kennedy Agyapong, a member of parliament from the ruling New Patriotic Party, threatened and encouraged violence against a broadcast journalist. The journalist was a member of investigative journalism whose undercover reporting had exposed traffickers, murderers, corrupt officials, and high-court judges. Ahmed Hussein-Suale Divela is his name.

September 2018: Divela thought his life was in danger and that influential figures in Ghana were plotting to harm him.

January 2019: A hundred yards down the road, Divela who was only 31 years old that time, was slumped in the driver's seat of his dusty blue BMW, bullet wounds in his chest and neck. According to eyewitnesses, he was killed by two men who fired close-range shots at the car as it waited for a bend.

Divela was assassinated in the sake of justice and eradicating the crime by broadcasting to the public.

We celebrated World Press Freedom Day yesterday. The word 'Freedom' in there, should serve as a stark reminder to governments of the need of upholding their commitment to press freedom, as well as a memorial to Divela and the hundreds of journalists who have been killed for doing their jobs.

Mahatma Gandhi once said "Freedom of the press is precious privilege that no country can forego"

In this moment, we appreciate the hard work and dedication of Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), an independent, non-profit organization where their work is based on its research, which provided a global snapshot of obstructions to a free press worldwide. CPJ denounces press freedom violations, meets with heads of state and high-ranking officials, advises on diplomatic efforts, and works with other organizations to ensure that justice prevails when journalists are imprisoned or killed. CPJ also provides comprehensive, life-saving support to journalists and media support staff working around the world through up-to-date safety and security information and rapid response assistance.

Round of applause goes to Jodie Ginsberg - President, Lucy W. - Emergencies Director, Kerry Paterson - Deputy Director of Emergencies, Valentine Gavard - Emergencies Consultant, Colin Pereira - Journalist Safety Specialist

We thank you, SDG Heroes, for doing your best to save and protect journalists' lives and keep retaining press freedom all around the world 🌍

#worldpressfreedom #pressfreedom #sdg16
Happy saturday! Time to announce our last week quiz winner 🏆

Tivoli Garden uses recycled cups for all kinds of drinks in the park. The cups can be taken home, but can also be handed in at recycling machines. The park also provides a recycling laundry that collects, washes, and distributes the cups back to the shops. In 2021, their recycling machine laundry succeeded in reusing the cups 7.1 times Not only recycling initiatives, they sorted 9 tonnes of food waste in the same year. This resulted in a production of 1,070 Nm3 methane which corresponds to 3,060 kWh of electricity and 3,825 kWh of district heating.

They also have a strong focus on animal welfare; as in 2021, their purchase comparison between animal welfare certified pork and conventional pork is 7:3 and to reduce their operation emissions, they use a tram that runs on biofuel. 

Kudos to ... 🥳🎉
Rowena Babu Philip Mitchell Gregory Schneider-Maunoury Christopher Larsson Marie Baumgarts Matthew McQuade Ahmed Abdullah, FRM Judith Bogner Eric Christian Pedersen Eila Kreivi Svante Horn Martina Macpherson Maurizio Legnani Ebuka Emebinah, CFA Maria Lombardo

We would like to appreciate the sustainability team of Tivoli Garden in creating and integrating sustainability iniatives into the garden's daily operation: Freja Randi Søndergaard Lauritsen - Sustainability Coordinator, Dida Marie Hartvig Jørgensen - Sustainability Specialist and Morten Graven Bilde - Park Duty Manager

We look forward to future sustainability initiatives from Tivoli Garden and other amusement parks that will bring joy both to families and our precious planet 🌍

#sdg12 #responsibleproduction #sdgs #recyclecup #amusementpark
Two days ago, we celebrated World Malaria Day and this year is marked under the theme “Harness innovation to reduce the malaria disease burden and save lives. 

Malaria, according to WHO, is a preventable and treatable illness that continues to have a catastrophic impact on people's health and livelihoods all over the world. In 85 countries, there are expected to be 241 million new cases of #malaria and 627, 000 malaria-related fatalities in 2020. In the WHO African Region, children under the age of five accounted for more than two-thirds of all fatalities. Despite consistent progress in reducing the global malaria burden between 2000 and 2015, development has slowed or paused in recent years, notably in high-burden nations in Sub-Saharan Africa 💉

Thankfully, there are a number of exciting technologies in the R&D pipeline, including new antimalarial medicines and upcoming malaria vaccines distributed to African population. In this moment, we would like to congratulate GlaxoSmithKline (GSK)
 and their team of malaria vaccine: Hal Barron - Chief Scientific Officer and President, R&D, Sue Middleton MBE - VP Communications and Government Affairs, Vaccines and Global Health, Dennis Di Mascio - Director, Global Health, Lead Malaria Vaccine Program, Lokmane ATTAR - Manager, Global Regulatory Affairs, Malaria & Oral Polio Vaccines CMC Expert and Souhila B. as Prodct Expert for Malaria Vaccine

In 2018, US Food and Drug Administration approved a single-dose #tafenoquine for the prevention of P. Vivax Malaria among children. GSK and their collaboration with the not-for-profit drug research partnership, Medicine for Malaria Venture (MMV), invented this outstanding discovery to create tafenoquine as an anti-relapse treatment for patients infected with P. vivax. This was the first novel medication for the prevention of recurrence in P. vivax malaria in for nearly 60 years, and it made a significant contribution to malaria eradication efforts.

Another great achievement of GSK is the recommendation by WHO in 2021 to expand the use of their RTS, S Malaria vaccine to children living in Sub-Saharan Africa and other locations with moderate to high malaria transmission. The vaccination trial programs undertaken in Ghana, Kenya, and Malawi have showed a substantial impact, lowering clinical episodes of malaria, hospital admissions with severe malaria, and mortality by over 70% when combined with seasonal antimalarial treatment 👏👏

We thank you, SDG Heroes, for your effort to saving countless children's and adults' lives from the deadly Malaria 🤍

Please follow our page to learn more all about SDG actions🌏
Happy weekend everyone! Time to announce our last week SDG quiz 🥳

Tony Chocolonely has been reporting their child labor prevalence where they created KPIs such as number of cases of child labor detected and remediated at Open Chain partner cooperatives with the child labor monitoring and remediation system (CLMRS). 

Every child labor cases in their company will be solved by their effective remediation which involves providing birth certificates so children can attend school, wheelbarrows to prevent heavy lifting, setting up health insurance policies and organizing bicycles for transport to and from school, school fee support, vocational trainings for adolescents to keep children out of child labor in the long run. 

In 2022, they earned best score labelled as green egg which means 'leading the industry on policy' conducted by 5 big name organizations: Mighty Earth, Be Slavery Free, Green America, INKOTA and National Wildlife Federation

Hats off to ... 🥳🎉
Simone Conrad Rowena Babu Eila Kreivi Leo Donnachie Laura Hegarty Ricardo Martinez Rivera, CIA Judith Bogner Roland Kölsch Saman Amir Åsa Nordin Daniël Poolen Evelyn Thody Matthew McQuade

In this moment, we would like to congratulate the hard work and dedication of the childs' right and sustainability team of Tony Chocolonely: Paul Schoenmakers - Head of Impact, Pascal Baltussen - Chief of Impact & Operations, Herve Mian Amoikon - Impact Leadership Consultant and Trainer, Julie McBride - Child Rights & Community Developer, Joke Aerts - Inspire to Actress (Open Chian Lead) and Jean Louis TANOH - Impact Project Manager & liason Officer in Ivory Coast 👏👏

We wish the rest of the team all the best in their sustainability and child rights journeys, so that they can set a good example for other cocoa firms to abolish the worst types of child exploitation as soon as possible.🤎

Thank you everyone for participating in our quiz, please follow our page to learn more all about SDGs just in one click 🖱️

#sustainableconsumption #SDG12 #sustainableproduction #cocoacompanies #childlabor
Happy weekend everyone! Time to announce our last week SDG quiz 🏆

Uber is one of 168 companies that received a perfect score* on the 2021 Disability Equality Index (DEI) administered by The American Association of People with Disabilities and Disability:IN. Their technology is assisting in increasing mobility and independence for riders with disabilities by offering features and capabilities such as cashless payments, upfront pricing, service animal policies, on-demand transportation, anti-discrimination policies, and even equipped vehicles that connect riders who use non-folding motorized wheelchairs with drivers in wheelchair-accessible vehicles equipped with ramps or lifts.

Kudos to... 🥳🎉
Christopher Larsson Judith Bogner Gayatri Wulansari Matthew McQuade Hassan Bilal Evelyn Thody

In this moment, we would like to appreciate the hard work of the Uber team in developing accessibility features for riders with disabilities: Erica Ellis - Head of Product Equity Design, Tafarii McKenzie (she/her) - Product Manager (Product Equity) and Michael Tietjen - Senior Strategic & Operation Manager of Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle (VEC) Program Manager

Thank you everyone for participating in our quiz, please follow our page to learn more all about SDGs 😊

*) Perfect score hereby is based on Disability:IN's scoring system. Uber is considered the best among taxi industry in implementing accessibility access for their riders, however in November 2021, The Justice Department filed a lawsuit against Uber Technologies Inc. (Uber) for charging "wait time" fees to riders with disabilities which need more time to enter a car.
Happy weekend everyone! ⛱️ Time to get yourself learned all about SDGs with our weekly quiz 🧠

A large proportion of urban and inter-urban transportation networks remain inaccessible to people with disabilities around the world.
Mobility restrictions are a significant barrier to disability-inclusive development because they worsen people with disabilities' personal, economic, and social isolation.

In 2013, the GAATES - Global Alliance on Accessible Technologies and Environments polled 257 people from 39 countries to better understand the mobility difficulties that people with disabilities confront throughout the world. According to the findings, the two most significant difficulties were accessing public transportation vehicles and driver/staff attitudes. Furthermore, in South Africa, there may be exploitation due to unfairly increased charges in the informal taxi business, and in Zimbabwe, communication challenges exist, particularly for individuals who are deaf.

Now let's start the case 🔍

This corporation is one of the global leaders in the taxi industry. They are one of 168 companies that received a perfect score on the 2021 Disability Equality Index (DEI) administered by The American Association of People with Disabilities and Disability:IN. Their technology is assisting in increasing mobility and independence for riders with disabilities by offering features and capabilities such as cashless payments, upfront pricing, service animal policies, on-demand transportation, anti-discrimination policies, and even equipped vehicles that connect riders who use non-folding motorized wheelchairs with drivers in wheelchair-accessible vehicles equipped with ramps or lifts.

Can you guess which company is it?

Let's hear what our top leaderboard think of the answer 🤔 Martina Macpherson Matthew McQuade Judith Bogner Eila Kreivi Ricardo Martinez Rivera, CIA

#accessibletransport #sdg11 #sdgs
Happy early easter everyone! Are you relishing chocolate eggs with your family and friends this weekend? 🐣🐰

Today our quiz is linked with the very Easter egg! Have you wondered if these eggs can be a product of child labor?

The chocolate industry is well-known for utilizing child labor, especially in West-Africa where the prevalence rate can be up to 50% which means 1 in 2 children in cocoa growing households in Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire are in child labor (NORC report, 2020). 

What's worse is the prevalence rate of hazardous child labors which increased by 13% in aggregate between 2008/09 and 2018/19 ⚠️

The story behind the high prevalence rate is the children of Western Africa are surrounded by intense poverty, and many begin working at a young age to help support their families. Some children end up on the cocoa farms because they need work and traffickers tell them that the job pays well. Other children are sold to traffickers or farm owners by their own relatives, who are unaware of the dangerous work environment and the lack of any provisions for an education. Often, traffickers abduct the young children from small villages in neighboring African countries. In one village in Burkina Faso, almost every mother in the village has had a child trafficked onto cocoa farms

Once they have been taken to the cocoa farms, the children may not see their families for years, if ever. They work for long hours, with some being forced to work up to 14 hours a day. Some of the children use chainsaws to clear the forests. Other children climb the cocoa trees to cut bean pods using a machete. Once they cut the bean pods from the trees, the children pack the pods into sacks that weigh more than 100 pounds. 

Knowing child labor has been one of the most fatal issues in cocoa industry, many organizations, including ILO through Harkin-Engel Protocol aims to end the worst forms of child labor within 5 years. However, the progress made by major chocolate companies which is accountable to more than half of chocolate productions is very slow even until now, hence the pledge was extended to reduce the worst forms of child labor by 70% across cocoa industry in Ghana and Cote d'Ivoire by 2020. 

Despite of slow progress made by others, not all companies showed little commitments in ending child labors. This company is being transparent in reporting their child labor prevalence where they created KPIs such as number of cases of child labor detected and remediated at Open Chain partner cooperatives with the CLMRS. They will do effective remediation for detected child labors which involves providing birth certificates so children can attend school, wheelbarrows to prevent heavy lifting, setting up health insurance policies and organizing bicycles for transport to and from school, school fee support, and so on.

In 2022, they earned best score labelled as green egg which means 'leading the industry on policy' conducted by Be Slavery Free 🎉
Happy weekend everyone! Time to give a shot to our weekly SDG quiz ✅

Amusement parks are often the place for family activities, but behind the experience visitors can get, there are many things that should be highlighed from the SDG's perspective. For example, energy consumption from rides, waste handling, as well as materials used in making food and beverages 🎪🎢

This amusement park uses recycled cups for all kinds of drinks in the park. The cups can be taken home, but can also be handed in at recycling machines. The park also provides a recycling laundry that collects, washes, and distributes the cups back to the shops. In 2021, their recycling machine laundry succeeded in reusing the cups 7.1 times 👏 Not only recycling initiatives, they sorted 9 tonnes of food waste in the same year. This equals to a production of 1,070 Nm3 methane which corresponds to 3,060 kWh of electricity and 3,825 kWh of district heating.

They also have a strong focus on animal welfare; as in 2021, their purchase comparison between animal-welfare certified pig and conventional pig is 7:3 and to reduce their operation emissions, they use a tram that runs on biofuel.

Let's hear what our top 5 leaderboard think of the answer 💡
Ebuka Emebinah, CFA Martina Macpherson Matthew McQuade Karim Z. Anh Vu

Can you guess which of these following famous amusement parks that had these accomplishments?

#sdg12 #sdg13 #responsibleproduction #animalwelfare #recycling #recyclecup #amusementpark
Happy weekend everyone! Time to get yourself learned a little bit about SDGs 🌲

Up to today, roughly four in ten people globally owned a #smartphones and the number will continue growing rapidly as pandemic makes every living become more digital used. Moreover, according to All Green Recycling, Americans change their cell phone every 18.2 months which is the third fastest change in the world after UK and France. However, looking from environmental perspectives, smartphones contibute approximately around 10% of total global electronic waste which is estimated to weigh more than 50 million tonnes in 2019.

Out of those 50 million tonnes, 70% of this waste goes directly into landfills. As we know, e-waste contains toxic substances such as mercury, lead, cadmium, arsenic which are lethal. Even after slow burning they change form but never completely disappear. These toxic elements can lead to health hazards such as permanent neurological damage (Diminished IQ), Reproductive Disorder (Miscarriages) and even cancer.

Furthermore, in many countries especially developing countries where battery waste handling knowledge is not proper enough, the e-waste can cause fire and fatalities. According to California Product Stewardship Council, of the 26 surveyed waste facilities, around 83% reported having a fire at their facility in the past two years where 40% of them caused by Lithium-Ion batteries, the most common type of batteries used in smartphones.

Fortunately, several smartphone companies have started their initiatives to handle the e-waste produced by their products. Their approach is designing for longevity and repairability which can be a game changer in the fight against e-waste ane emissions. In 2020, they were in partnership with Closing the Loop in collecting more than 5000 kg of batteries in Nigeria that were then shipped to Europe for safe recycling. This company earned the best score compared to their competitors according to Guide to Greener Electronics 2017 conducted by Greenpeace. 📱♻️

Can you guess which company is it?

Let's hear what our top 5 leaderboard think of the answer 🧠 Judith Bogner Matthew McQuade Martina Macpherson Eila Kreivi Karim Z.
Hello everyone 👋

In this week's SDG Heroes of the Week post, we'd like to applaud these superwomen for standing firm against sexual abuse practices in Nigeria and raising their voices even louder to the rest of the world. Their work is aligned with SDG 5 - Gender Equality - and SDG 16 - Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions ♀️🕊️

Stand to End Rape (STER) Initiative is a leading social justice organization that advocates #genderequality and the elimination of sexual and gender-based violence through education, prevention, and support. They are involved in a primary health care initiative that focuses on increasing the ability of first responders to survivors of #sexualassault.

STER began publishing educative content on social media with the aim to spread awareness about the Sexual Harassment in Tertiary Educational Institutions Prohibition Bill 2016. For their efforts, they have also won the UN SDG Action Award in the Mobilize category in 2020 🏆

We truly appreciate ... 👏👏

Oluwaseun Ayodeji Osowobi, the founder and executive director of STER Initiative, Oluwakemi Gbadamosi (MA, B.L, LL.B) , the member of the board of advisors and Wuraola Abulatan, the social media and communications manager

as well as the rest of the STER Initiative team, who put their blood, sweat, and tears to end any form of sexual assault.

We thank you, SDG Superwomen, for your sincere work and commitment towards making the world a better place 🤍

Don't forget to visit and follow our page to learn more about the SDGs 😊

#genderequality #endsexualviolence #endsexualassault #sdg5 #sdg16
The UN established the 2030 Global Agenda, and each day, people from across the world are contributing towards attaining each Sustainable Development Goal, Target, and Indicator through their actions.

Folks, beginning this week, will publish a weekly post - SDG Heroes of the Week. This week, we have Heroes from SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-Being, and they are 🦸‍♂️🦸‍♀️

Andy Haines, Co-chair of Pathfinder Initiative; who is also the laureate of the Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement 2022. Haines' studies have been cited more than 50,000 times to date, and focus on the nexus between climate change and human health.

Next we have members of the Pathfinder Initiative Management Group, Rosemary Green and Sarah Whitmee. They undertook comparable topics that eventually produced scientific proof on how climate change impacts our life, particularly our health. ❤️‍🩹🧑‍⚕️

SDG Heroes, thank you so much for you valuable contribution! 🤍

Please follow for more upcoming SDG insights 😊
Hope everyone is having a wonderful Saturday! Today, we announce the winners of last week's quiz 🏆

Stella McCartney was named the 'Best' brand of 2021 after getting a 90 percent score for its animal welfare leadership in fashion, while People Tree came in second with an 85 percent score.

FOUR PAWS awarded both for demonstrating that increased compassion in fashion and support for animal-friendly materials are both possible. 🐑🐰

Huge congrats to...
Simone Conrad Anita Suurlaht Donaldson Yinka Lawson Sophia Beck-Mannagetta Giovanna Michelon Gemma Smith Sonia Artuso Kiyomi R. Rafaella K. Burcu Arslan Sylvain Vanston Jean-Philippe Steeger Fabian Muhammad Giffari Putra R. David Cox, CAIA Luning ZHANG Marie Baumgarts Caterina Romanelli Felix von Geyer Martina Macpherson Flavio De Carolis Aisling McCaffrey ACA Scott Kistner Denisa L. Gabrielle V. Cillian McMahon Mary Ho Carolina Angarita-Cala 🌿Stephanie Tack William Bryant, CFA Jelena Stamenkova van Rumpt

And, to thank those who work tirelessly behind the scenes to make Stella McCartney's sustainability ambitions a reality, we applaud Stella McCartney's sustainability team, Juliet Russell, Head of Sustainability, Sara Luna Tazartes Senior Sustainability Analyst, and Claire Bergkamp, CEO of Textile Exchange 👏🎊

Finally, there is a well-known Julie Russel quotation in her podcast with Max Bittner as the CEO of Vestiaire Collective and Mark Maslin, "Climate Podcast: Does the Earth Have to be A Fashion Victim" 👗👠

"Brands can work to mitigate that footprint and reduce it as much as they can. Another thing that stellar always really likes to talk about as well, actually is the lack of regulation in this space. So brands can honestly almost get away with anything they want to do. There's no consistency in government regulation around the world...."

Please follow our page and participate in our weekly quiz, because just in one click, you get more insights all about SDGs 📖

#sustainability #sustainablefashion #fashionindustry #animalwelfare
Happy Saturday everyone! Let's take a look at our last week's quiz winners🏆

Since the 2010/11 season, all 20 Premier League teams have been introducing a new home kit each season, despite a proposal in the 2000 Premier League Charter that states that its life cycle can be extended to upto two seasons.

In 2021, Brentford Football Club made a big announcement that the team would keep the same home kit for two seasons in a row. 

Their CEO, Jon Varney emphasized that the team believes in making football affordable for their fans and realise the need for making the game more focused on sustainability. While it's not normal practice for Premier League clubs to roll a kit over for two seasons, fans have told them that they would be in favor of the savings that a two-season shirt would provide! 

Kudos to... 🎊🎉
Sam Charles Seamus Ruddy Rowena Babu Guy G. GRUJIC Inès Martina Macpherson Siddhanth Babu Christoph Klein Andrew Urquhart Mark Fawcett Karim Z. Tor Hjorth-Falsted Natasa Mlakar Ahmed Abdullah, FRM Peter Smith Ebuka Emebinah, CFA Yusuf Wicaksono Budisatrio Anh Vu Matthew McQuade Wirsiy Emile Muhammad Daffa Ihsan Michael Layadi

We'd like to appreciate the Brentford Leadership for being considerate towards their fans and making the sustainability initiative a reality. Jon Varney - CEO, Jordan Marley - the B team kit manager, Joanne Surgeoner and Sally Stephens - Fan and Community Relations

Thank you everyone for participating in our quiz, please follow our page to learn more all about SDGs 🌳
Hello everyone👋

Tomorrow marks a month since Russia invaded Ukraine. Millions of Ukrainian refugees fled the country to find security, and have reached out for medical aid, food, job and even housing 🏠

Airbnb is one of top vacation rental companies worldwide, which in partnership with IOM - UN Migration connected Ukrainian to access free, short-term housing in Poland, Moldova, Romania, Hungary and Slovakia.

As of March 14, 2022, more than 36,800 hosts signed up on; 22,300 of these signed up in the past two weeks to offer their homes to refugees around the world.

In the light of current affairs, we would like to appreciate the great work of Vladimír Beroun Beroun - Senior Public Policy Manager, Yvette Ceri - Consumer & Product Communications Manager DACH and CEE, and Kathrin Anselm - General Manager Airbnb DACH, CEE & Russia

Besides developing policies to assist Ukrainian refugees, they have been actively using LinkedIn to share the word

Thank you, SDG Heroes, for your sincere efforts and deeds. Hopefully, we are able to put a end to this terrible war 🕊️

#sdg16 #nowar #peaceallaroundtheworld
Hello everyone 👋 Although today may be a typical working day for you, this Tuesday, we celebrate something of utmost importance!

Happy International Water Day, everyone! 🚰

Folks, did you know? 💡

1 faucet with 1 drop per second produces 21.6 liters of water. 
In each day, this adds up to over 6 gallons of water.

And in a year, this wastes 2083 gallons of water

If 10 to 20 thousand individuals do this, we lose an opportunity to solve water crisis problem in Qatar!

Therefore, ALWAYS turn off your water faucet when you are not using it😊 

To mark this day, would like to celebrate top three NGOs which focus on tackling the water shortage crisis around the world 💧

Hats off to...
charity: water with their CEO - Carly Cott , CFO & COO - Aditi Deeg and Chief Global Water - Christoph Gorder

Water For People with their CEO - Eleanor Allen, CFO - Abdi D., and COO - Mark Duey with their CEO - Gary White, CFO Fernando Alandia and COO - Vedika Bhandarkar

Thank you for your contribution, SDG Heroes because more people can have access to water 💙

#accesstowater #cleanwater #sdg6

Hey everyone, have a wonderful weekend! It's time to reveal the winner of our previous week's SDG Quiz. 🏆

Boston Consulting Group (BCG) is a winner of the best companies for dads in 2021 since they offer parental leave, backup childcare services, special programs, mentorship, and thought partnership for parent employees. Some employees submitted their feedbacks on @Glasdoor, where paid paternity leave is granted for two months🧔‍♂️

Congratulations to.... 🎊🎉
Rowena Babu Ebuka Emebinah, CFA Gayatri Wulansari Siddhanth Babu Wirsiy Emile Muhammad Saeful Hakim Matthew McQuade Evelyn Thody Martina Macpherson

And we'd like to express our gratitude to...👏👏
Boston Consulting Group (BCG)'s human resources team - Jean-Michel Caye as Senior Partner and Managing Director, People & Organization Practice, Amber Grewal as Chief Talent Officer, Global HR Executive & Board Advisors, and Matt Krentz as Senior Partner & Managing Director to name a few.

Thank you to everyone who took our quiz; please visit our page to learn more about the SDGs with a single click. 🖱️
Back in 90s, a mom spent a lot of her time with her autistic son at home, teaching him and providing him with all the care and attention he required for his development. Furthermore, she volunteered to work with children suffering from cerebral palsy

During this time, there was almost no awareness about autism in India. The majority of children with autism routinely received a diagnosis of mental retardation. Others were diagnosed as having ‘Minimal Brain Dysfunction’ and were called slow learners or deemed to have behaviour problems. If they attended school at all, these children were found in facilities for the mentally retarded, where the same intervention techniques were provided to all children 🚸

The situation motivated this mother to do something with a group of concerned parents in Delhi. To build social skills in their sons and provide support to each other, these parents organised outings for the boys and formed a very small support group. 

At the same time, one of the mothers began publishing articles in the popular media about autism, and was met with a stream of letters from parents in other parts of India asking for information about the disorder. Regardless of their location, parents wrote with similar stories of frustration, and asked for help in handling their child's difficult behaviour. 

After hearing from so many parents with such similar questions, it became clear that the time had come to form a network of these families to share ideas, disseminate information, and provide support. She was Merry barua and this marks the beginning of autism movement in India!

The beginning of April is marked as "April Fools" which is all fun and games but not many of us know that 2nd April is celebrated World Autism Awareness Day. Today, would like to take a moment to appreciate the hard work of Action for Autism, National Centre for Autism India , who initiated the autism action for children in India, country with the highest rate of autism in the world. 

To the team, merry barua - NGO Head, Aditi Muranjan - Assistant, Kathakali Pandey - Project Manager, Bhanu Sehrawat - Volunteer, and Rakshita Shekhar as the Executive Board Member & Guest Lecturer we thank you for the dedication and hard work you put for the children

To this date, AFA has managed to bring autism to the forefront of national consciousness. The biggest marker of this development is that autism is now included in the National Trust. The subject is no longer met with ignorance but instead, it is treated with sensitivity. 

Once again, thank you SDG Heroes for your dedication 🤍

Please follow to learn more all about SDGs action all around the world 🌍

#sdg3 #goodhealthandwellbeing #autismawareness
Happy Saturday! Time to announce our last week quiz winner 🏆

Fender has stated that it will no longer use ash in its production guitars in the future. According to Justin Norvell as the EVP of Fender products, the decision was made in response to the ash tree loss caused by the Emerald Ash Borer beetle, which has moved down from Canada. Despite the fact that the corporation employs lighter, more porous swamp ash generated in the south of the United States, the beetle's growth has been rapid. At this rate, it is expected that the whole forest and ash will be gone in a few of years 🌳

Furthermore, Fender has committed to sourcing its goods from sustainable woods through a variety of initiatives, including a cooperation with the Music Wood Coalition to safeguard vulnerable forest ecosystems and a switch from rosewood to Pau Ferro fingerboards 🎸

Kudos to ... 🎊🎉
Sam Charles Gabija Zdanceviciute Ricardo Martinez Rivera, CIA Eila Kreivi Karim Z. Aisling McCaffrey ACA Marie Baumgarts Juan A. Casado Hebrard Paolo Andrea Valeri Gautam Mayekar Evelyn Thody Anh Vu Ebuka Emebinah, CFA Matthew McQuade

We'd like to take a moment to appreciate the production core team of Fender, Justin Norvell - EVP, Fender Products, Max Gutnik - SVP, Electric Guitars, Basses & Amplifiers, Joey Brasler - VP, Electric Guitars, Basses & Amplifiers, and Salvador Montes - VP, Manufacturing & Operations

We hope Fender Musical Instruments Corporation will take more sustainability initiatives in order to create more musical instruments while also maintaining a sustainable symphony for our planet 🎶

#sustainablesupplychain #sustainablesourcing #sdg12 #sdg15 #responsibleproduction #lifeonland
Folks, do you know March 21 marked International Forest Day? Forests are home to about 80% of the world’s terrestrial biodiversity, with more than 60,000 tree species 🌳

However, each year, the world loses 10 million hectares of forest, roughly the size of Iceland

This should serve as a wake-up call to stop deforestation and encourage reforestation in all countries, particularly in those with large forest areas

The Harmony Foundation awarded WeForest🌿 the Mother Teresa Memorial Award for Social Justice in December 2021. WeForest achieved its original target of restoring 25,000 hectares of forest two years early, and by 2020, they hope to have planted more than 100 million trees by the end of 2024. The new 2020 programs aim to safeguard endangered forests in Zambia and rehabilitate those that have already been destroyed in Senegal.

This week we would like to appreciate the dedications of the whole team and each country manager, Marie-Noëlle Keijzer-Noelle Keijzer - Cofounder & CEO, Matthias De Beenhouwer - Country Director for Zambia, Cristina Yuri Vidal - Project Manager in Brazil, Aklilu Negussie Mekuria (PhD) Mekuria - Country Director for Ethiopia and Ruben Foquet - Malawi Country Representative.

We wish WeForest the best of luck in reaching their objective by the end of 2024.🍀

Folks, since trees offers kindness in every aspect of our living, let's do more everyday to preserve them! 💪

Please follow our page to learn more all about SDGs
#sdg15 #lifeonland #sustainableforest #reforestation
Happy Saturday, everyone? Are you ready for this week's SDG Quiz? It might have to do with a hobby you are indulging this weekend! 🎸

Smashing guitar and amplifiers was well-known in the 1960s, when The Who's Pete Townshend, the crowned king of smashing guitar, received the earliest credit for the act. However, in the two decades, after the ESG approach picked up in 2005, this throwaway culture was no longer relevant, and now, is even criticized.

Globally, factories emit over 10 billion tons of CO2 per year, accounting for roughly half of all pollution. Musical instrument manufacturers may not be the most greatest villains behind this number, but they inevitably play a role. Guitars, for example, are usually composed of wood, especially rare or old-growth wood such as ebony or alder; 40 percent of which is illegally sourced. Furthermore, this industry has been struggling multiple controversies including illegal logging, resource scarcity, and new environmental restrictions governing the trading in endangered tree species.

Luckily, new technology and innovation have enabled this industry to develop more environmentally friendly musical instruments. Can you guess which of these musical instrument manufacturers phased out ash for production-line of their electric guitars? 🪵🎸

#sustainablesourcing #sustainableproduction #sdg12 #sdgs2030 #deforestation
Since the COVID-19 pandemic, most economic transactions are now done digitally. The pandemic has accelerated the need for digital transformation and things such as internet broadband, data centers, and even fiber optics should be considered as an infrastructure sector itself.

Looking at the SDGs, the digital infrastructure sector has social benefits that align with many of the SDG goals, particularly in improving social and development through many channels: 
1. Internet connectivity and improved telephone communication can improve access to jobs and education, thus increasing the likelihood to get out of poverty (SDG 1);
2. Digital infrastructure and Internet of Things can boost agricultural sustainability and improve food security (SDG 2);
3. Telecommunications can reduce income inequality by providing work opportunities and free access to knowledge to less developed countries and rural communities (SDG 10). 

Even if the increased bandwidth and traffic from data centers relatively consume more energy (primarily power), technical advancements has made video conferencing as a standard rather than a pandemic anomaly. This implies less travel by air or road, resulting in lower greenhouse gas emissions📲

Responding to the need for digital infrastructure, an asset management company has formed an open-ended fund which will invest in publicly traded firms that "enable a sustainable transition to a digital economy." What distinguishes this company from others is that it would exclude firms that do not meet specified ESG requirements in their business model. Each firm will be examined using their proprietary ESG analysis tool, which covers the company's human rights policy, board gender diversity, carbon intensity, fossil fuel exposure, and so on.

Can you figure out which of the following asset companies it is?

#sdg9 #industryinnovation #digitalinfrastructure #sdgs2030 #esg #internetaccess
Happy weekend, folks 👋 Let's enjoy the weekend by learning a bit more about SDGs with our weekly quiz ✅

Many corporations, across around the world, initiated their sustainability actions by committing to global climate agreement, such as net zero emissions path. Even football clubs, as business also inevitably emit scope 1, 2, 3 greenhouse gas emissions. 

Premier League 2021/2022 drove many #football clubs to source their home kits sustainably this season, for example using sustainable materials - 100% #recycledpolyester , recycled plastic bottles, #sustainablefabrics and so on. There is one football club, in particular, that has gone beyond by wearing their 2021-22 kit another year; which would also save fans money 👕💰 

By doing this, they contribute to #SDG11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities and #SDG13 - Climate Action; this even promotes circular economy and preventing pollution based on EU Taxonomy objectives as most football shirts are made from polyester which has more than double the carbon footprint of a cotton shirt 👕

Can you guess which football club it is? Who knows it might be your favorite club to watch all night ⚽

Let's see what our top 5 leaderboard think of the answer 🙌
Catherine Barrett MMII Ebuka Emebinah, CFA Matthew McQuade Martina Macpherson Janice Daly, CFA

#sustainablesport #premierleague
Hello everyone, wishes you a wonderful weekend! 🏖️ It's time to brush up on your SDG knowledge by taking our quiz 

SDG 5 - Gender Equality, in conjunction with SDG 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth emphasize on protection of labor rights. This also includes parental leave policies formulated to allow to-be parent employees to balance family and work life.

There are numerous reasons why parental leave is important. For example, in the book "Good Guys: How Men Can Be Better Allies for Women," authors, David G. Smith and W. Brad Johnson assert that women perceive that gender equality at work begins with men becoming equal partners at home 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

In 2021, Seramount, part of EAB revealed the winners of the greatest companies for dads. According to their findings, 88 percent of the companies provide fully compensated #genderneutral leave for parents, and 75 percent provide a phase-back to work after leave 💵

Let's see what our top 5 leaderboard think of the answer 🙌
Catherine Barrett MMII Ebuka Emebinah, CFA Matthew McQuade Martina Macpherson Janice Daly, CFA

#parentalleave #worklifebalance #sdg8 #sdg5 #sustainability #genderequality
Happy Saturday, everyone! It's the day to announce our last week quiz winners 🏆

According to the WWF's palm oil scorecard, Ferrero is doing relatively better than other manufacturing companies with a score of 21.7 out of 24, followed by Unilever (19.1), Kelloggs (17.5), and Nestle (15.2). It even ranks in the top 10% among manufacturers, retailers, and hospitality companies. Ferrero's commitment to zero deforestation and conversion includes the entire group, and 99.6% of its palm oil purchases are RSPO certified.

Kudos to ... 🎉🎊🥳
Eila Kreivi Lisa Teresa Ertl Anita Suurlaht Donaldson Ahmed Abdullah, FRM Alessandro Gaetano Naclerio Paolo Andrea Valeri Xavier Criel DONALD GAITAN SEUPA (He/Him) Nina Kathrin Lenger Raphael Max Silvano Tripodi Maria Lombardo Joseph Collins Altea Salami Ghassani Hidayat Clare McCarrick Olivier Trecco Emanuele Fanelli Johannes Lange, CFA Matthew McQuade Ariqoh Wahyu Armadhani Martina Macpherson Evelyn Thody

Please follow our page for more existing quizzes and insights about SDGs 🍃
#sustainablepalmoil #sustainablesupplychains #sdg15 #sdg13 #sdg8
Happy Saturday everyone! 👋🏻

It has been a week since the first debate post on our page.. There is no winner, of course, since every opinion matters

Now we would announce a simple tabulation from people's answers.

75% of our responses argue building more subsidized housing unit might be the best solution to tackle gentrification

Meanwhile the remaining 25% advocate to increase vacant property taxes

Thank you everyone for participating in our debate 🙌🏻
Please follow our page and participate in our quizzes since in one click, you can learn more all about SDGs 🍃

#gentrification #povertyalleviation #povertyreduction #reduceinequalities #sdg10 #sdg1
Folks! welcomes you 🤗

As SDG advocates, we'd love to support SDG 8.5 of achieving productive employment and decent work for all women and men, including for young people and persons with disabilities, and equal pay for work of equal value

#OpportunitiesforALL #sdg2030 #decentwork
Hi folks, weekend is coming! It is SDG Quiz-o'clock! ⏰

SDG 15 Life on Land, especially target 15.7 aims to end #poaching and to address both the demand and supply of #illegalwildlife products 🐅🐘🐍

According to the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime (UNODC), the #fashion industry is one of the top 7 industries responsible for the wildlife imports. Luxury fashion, in particular, poses a high demand for wildlife products; worth roughly US$100 billion (Okonkwo. 2016). Moreover, fashion industry also plays a role in illegal wildlife imports, which is worth US$20 billion in total (Tow, Symes & Carasso, 2021)

To curb this, NGOs handling global animal welfare are increasingly taking action. One of them is FOUR PAWS, which in 2021 released a survey to disclose the most (and the least) animal-friendly fashion brands. They created Good on You rating for every fashion brand they examined; on aspects such as use of certified wool, adopting a formal animal welfare policy, and so on.

#sdg15 #wildlifeprotection #illegalwildlifetrade #fashionindustry #sustainablefashion
Happy saturday folks! 👋🏻

Are you ready to learn more about SDGs? Try our weekly quiz 🧠

According to the WWF's palm oil scorecard, companies are falling short when it comes to promoting #sustainablepalmoil production and combating tropical #deforestation

This is crucial because palm oil, when produced irresponsibly, can devastate #forests , #wildlife , #communities , and the global environment. And hence, it works against achieving #sdgs - SDG 8, SDG 13 and SDG 15.

Only one company has received more than 20 points (out of a maximum 22) on WWF's oil scorecard, giving a positive signal to the rest of the industry that sustainable and deforestation-free palm oil is attainable.

Let's hear what our top 5 leaderboard think of the answer 💭
Ebuka Emebinah, CFA Martina Macpherson Catherine Barrett MMII Claudio Nuber Eleanor Willi

#sustainableforestry #sustainableagriculture #palmoil #foodbrands
Hello folks 👋🏻 Let's enjoy this Saturday by learning SDG with our new quiz! ✍🏻

#Gentrification is becoming increasingly widespread in the United States, where lower-income communities are receiving huge amounts of new investment, which includes providing amenities, raising housing values, and attracting new upper-income people. When members of a racial or ethnic group who have lived in gentrified areas for a long period are forced away, this can result in cultural displacement. Furthermore, if no action is taken, fast gentrification may result in increased severe poverty and the expansion of slums in cities. This occurs because increased levels of investment make it difficult for #vulnerablepopulations to own a home 🏡

This contradicts what #SDGs 1.4 and 11.1 are targetting

Let's see what our top 5 leaderboard think of the answer 🤔
Ebuka Emebinah, CFA Martina Macpherson Matthew McQuade Michael Layadi Evelyn Thody

#sdg1 #sdg11 #sustainablecities #affordablehousing
Hello everyone! Let's enjoy this Saturday with our weekly SDG quiz! 🤓🧠

In 2016, ICTT Laboratory reported on car brands with the highest gap between official #fuel consumption and average real-world driving per manufacturer. The higher the gap implies a lower credibility for the entire EU’s car labelling and regulatory system. In addition, this is against the progress of SDG 11.2 which talks about #sustainabletransport 🚗

Let's see what our top 5 SDG Quiz leaderboard think of the answer 👏🏻
Martina Macpherson Arturo Rodríguez Catherine Barrett MMII Claudio Nuber Danijela Nebenfuehr (She / Her)

#sustainabletransport #fuelconsumption #sdg11 #automotiveindustry #energyconsumption #energyeffiency
TGIF everyone! Time to announce our last week's quiz winner 🏆
Thank you everyone for participating in our last week's poll 'Quiz Time of the Week'

LGBT-Q is currently not in the SDG target 8.8 drafting would like to congratulate Janice Daly, CFA Novita Furia Putri Jennifer Reginald Zulfandi Yahya Anggita Fiorella M. Giovanna Michelon David Mendez Dominik Pfoster Mahalakshmi Kumar Purva Naik Siddhanth Babu Wirsiy Emile Michael Layadi Scott Kistner Fabian Muhammad Giffari Putra R. Gilbert Gilbert Sufiyan N-YO Anusree M. Anita Patil for nailing this question correctly 🏅🎉

Please follow to learn SDGs in more exciting ways!
It's friday! Time to announce our weekly SDG quiz winners 🎓🥇

NASA has renamed SDG 7: Clean and Affordable Energy to "Renewable Energy" as given in NASA Applied Science SDG disclosure. There is no specific stated reason for this modification. However based on our research, in 2020, NASA incurred a high energy cost of about 0.5% of the Agency's budget. Hence, it is relatively difficult to state it is affordable (NASA, 2020)

See the comments for the UN and NASA SDG logos.

Congratulations to 🥇🎉🎊
Dhimas Rayendra Himawan Calista Endrina Dewi Rowena Babu Benedikt J. Brandl Michael Layadi Maria Lombardo Ebuka Emebinah, CFA Martina Macpherson Jennifer Reginald Juan A. Casado Hebrard Banhishikha Chakraborty Scott Kistner Mahalakshmi Kumar Siddhanth Babu

Please follow for more exciting quiz and insights to learn SDG better!📖

Source: NASA. (2020). Energy at NASA. Retrieved from
#sustainability #esg #sdgs2030 #cleanenergy #affordableenergy #renewableenergy #sdg7 #nasa
It's saturday! Here's our last week's SDG quiz result 🥇

Obesity-related diseases also impacts SDG 4. According to an OECD report, children who are overweight do worse in school, are more likely to miss school, and are less likely to finish further education. They are also less satisfied with their lives (OECD, 2019).

Kudos to 🎊🎉
Shrey Jhawar Siddhanth Babu John Gillam Anita Patil Mayudi Patel Lakshmi Kiritharan Erkam Narinç Mahalakshmi Kumar Purva Naik Jennifer Reginald Dhimas Rayendra Himawan Dhruv Patil Jayden Yim Kai Hung Robin Edme Nicky Overgaard Pedersen Claudio Nuber Michelle Boquiren Urben Sara Balitzky Sophia Papastefanou Christian Schnittker Martina Macpherson Amartya Iqra Akhlaqi Alejandro Contreras Cerdan Banhishikha Chakraborty Javier Ahmad Iqbal Salam Ebuka Emebinah, CFA Scott Kistner Arasy Fasya Baihaqi

Please follow for more interesting quizzes about SDGs 🌿 #sdgs2030 #sustainability #goodhealthandwellbeing
Time for the weekly SDGs quiz! 🧠
Can you guess which institution renamed their SDG 7 to 'Renewable Energy' in their SDGs logo? 🤔

#sdgs2030 #cleanenergy #renewableenergy #affordableenergy #sustainability #fossilfuels #esg #sdg7
Time to answer our weekly SDG Quiz! 🧠

Agriculture is one of the sectors with heavy plastic usage. Microplastics pose an increasing concern due to their potential accumulation in food chains; threatening food security, food safety, and human health. SDG target 2.4 aims to tackle this issue.

Can you guess which country is responsible for the highest amount of plastic use in agriculture?👨🏻‍🌾👩🏻‍🌾

Andreas Hoepner Robert Blood what are your views?

#sustainableagriculture #agriculture #microplastics #plasticwaste #sdg2 #sdgs2030 #sustainability #finance
Happy weekend everyone!
Time to learn about SDGs with our weekly quiz 🧠

According to an OECD study, obesity-related diseases will take more than 90 million lives in OECD countries over the next 30 years, reducing life expectancy by about three years. It would also reduce their GDP by 3.3 percent and have an impact on personal budgets, costing up to USD 360 per inhabitant each year.

#sdg2030 #sdg3 #sdg8 #obesity #goodhealthandwellbeing #goodhealth
Happy weekend everyone! 🥳Time to learn #SDGs - give our weekly SDG quiz a go! 🧠

#Corruption, #bribery, money laundering and extortion are important issues in corporate governance. Many #sustainability frameworks include this issue in their principle, including SDG 16.5.

#sdg16 #corporategovernance #businessethics #fraud
It's Friday! Time to announce our weekly SDG quiz winners 🏆

China is the greatest consumer and manufacturer of agricultural plastics, consuming at least 5.2 million tonnes per year. This includes three million tons of film (Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, 2020) and two million tons of irrigation equipment (Zen, 2018).

This number is multiple times bigger than European Union (28+2 countries); which in 2018 was responsible for 1.74 million tones of plastics in agricultural sector, or South Africa (0.15 million tonnes) and Brazil (0.02 million tonnes) which are the highest among their own regions (FAO, 2021).

Kudos to.......🥇
Michael Jehan Pangestu Banhishikha Chakraborty Maurizio Legnani Lovina Aisha Malika P. Emmanuella Patricia Tandi Payung Novita Furia Putri Zulfandi Yahya Faiz Al Islam Amelia Lita Rizki Monita Barkah Gautam Mayekar Anthony Thomas Fossati Anita Patil Denisa L. Carolina Angarita-Cala 🌿 GRUJIC Inès David Nathan Gabrielle Adani Shrey Jhawar Muhammad Saeful Hakim Jennifer Reginald Natasya Emerald Fabian Muhammad Giffari Putra R. Evelyn Thody Mahalakshmi Kumar
Please follow for more exciting quizzes to learn about SDGs!

Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences & Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs. (2020). Management of Agricultural Plastics in China: the Plastic Mulch Film - a report for FAO

FAO. (2021). Assessment of Agricultural Plastics and Their Sustainability. A Call for Action. Rome. https//

Zen, L. (2018). Plasticulture in China. Paper presented at 21st CIPA Congress, May 2018, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences.
Quiz time - How well do you know the SDGs?

First poll ever! Do you know which disease is not included in the current drafting of the Global Agenda?

#sdgs2030 #sustainabledevelopmentgoals #goodhealthandwellbeing #epidemics #health #diseaseprevention
SDG Quiz time!
Which of the following is not included in the current drafting of SDG 8.5? 🤔 #sdgs2030 #decentwork #equality